The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Trump Stomps Haley in S.C.

Posted on | February 24, 2024 | 1 Comment

There are a lot of sad faces on CNN tonight (I watch CNN so you don’t have to). All week long, they’ve been hyping up Nikki Haley’s chances in South Carolina and . . . Well, it ain’t happening. At this hour, Trump is winning by a margin of more than 20 points in Haley’s home state. He has won every caucus and primary so far, and there is no likelihood of her winning anywhere in the future. Nikki Haley is not campaigning for the Republican nomination in any meaningful sense. What she is doing is campaigning for Joe Biden’s reelection. Nikki Haley is a puppet, controlled by the left-wing billionaires who have funded her campaign, and boosted by unlimited free publicity from liberal media outlets.

No honest person can say otherwise.


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One Response to “Trump Stomps Haley in S.C.”

  1. Super Thursday Thoughts: ‘Republican’ Nikki Haley’s ‘Presidential Campaign’ Was Actually a CIA Operation, and Is America Ready for the Angry Joe Biden Show? : The Other McCain
    March 7th, 2024 @ 9:23 pm

    […] Hampshire, after which point the only other candidate in the field was Nikki Haley. After she got stomped in her home state of South Carolina, it was clearly time for her to quit, but she […]
