The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Let’s Play ‘Spot the Missing Word’

Posted on | April 16, 2024 | Comments Off on Let’s Play ‘Spot the Missing Word’

Alameda County District Attorney
Pamela Price to face recall vote


Alameda County DA Pamela Price
to face recall vote


Recall effort against Alameda DA Pamela Price secures enough valid signatures for election

What do you think these three stories by the major network affiliates in the San Francisco Bay area have in common? Let’s see . . .

CTRL+F “Democrat” = 0 results

CTRL+F “Soros” = 0 results

So these three news organizations did not think it important to inform their audience that the embattled district attorney is a Democrat, nor that her campaign was funded by George Soros. These facts are not insignificant, nor is their omission from major media news coverage accidental. Over the past eight years, Soros has directed millions of dollars to “criminal justice reform” projects, including campaign contributions to left-wing Democratic candidates for local district attorney offices: “Soros has funded, directly or indirectly, over 75 district attorney races across the country since 2016.” The current woes of cities like Oakland are a direct consequence of this activist agenda.

Soros has also funded numerous media projects, which goes a long way toward explaining why the media avoid mentioning Soros, except to accuse conservatives of “conspiracy theories” when we insist on pointing out his influence. But speaking of conspiracy theories, do you know what other district attorney was funded by George Soros? Alvin Bragg, the guy who is currently got Donald Trump on trial in New York for an utterly bogus charge. And in 90% of their coverage, the major networks never even mention that Bragg is a Democrat. Just a coincidence . . .


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