The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Houston Psycho Tranny Killer Proves Yet Again That Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | May 14, 2024 | 1 Comment

The category “psycho tranny” is not listed in the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, despite the existence of the Houston murder suspect known as “Karon Fisher”:

A transgender-identifying male reportedly murdered a man in Houston, Texas, late last week, running him over with a car before kissing him and then repeatedly stabbing him.
The suspect, 20-year-old Karon Fisher, allegedly mowed down 64-year-old Steven Anderson as he was on his way to the mailbox.
Video of the incident appeared to show the car driving at a high rate of speed for a residential neighborhood and intentionally swerving to hit Anderson. After hitting him, Fisher allegedly hit him again, backing over him with the car.
The New York Post reported that Fisher allegedly “flipped Anderson’s body over, straddled him, and kissed him before stabbing him nine times.”
Harris County records showed that Fisher was charged with murder, evading arrest with a vehicle, and assaulting hospital personnel.
Fisher was previously charged with prostitution and has been on community supervision for evading a prior arrest.

Am I the only one annoyed by journalists using “allegedly” in reporting on crimes recorded on video? It’s all right there for anyone to see, caught on the neighbors’ surveillance camera:

There is a way to avoid using words like “reportedly” or “allegedly,” namely to use the word “accused,” or phrases like “charged with,” “police said,” etc. Authorities in Houston have charged Karon Fisher with murdering a man, and so forth. (Whether you use the phrase “psycho tranny” in the headline is optional, but highly recommended.)

Believe it or not, I was not going to write about Karon Fisher, but my blog buddy Dana Pico did an extensive post about this incident:

If you watch the video, you’ll see that the alleged killer is not wearing normal clothing, but was “dressed in a black bra and high-waisted black shorts,” ‘booty’ shorts to be more precise. Mr Fisher was dressed as a prostitute. . . .
So, dressed like a prostitute, and previously charged with prostitution. Yes, I know: the past prostitution charge was dismissed, but we as observers can draw our own conclusions.

Indeed, we can draw our own conclusions, and among the conclusions we can draw: Crazy People Are Dangerous.


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One Response to “Houston Psycho Tranny Killer Proves Yet Again That Crazy People Are Dangerous”

  1. Crazy people are dangerous – THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.
    May 14th, 2024 @ 10:07 pm

    […] Also on this topic: Robert Stacy McCain, “Houston Psycho Tranny Killer Proves Yet Again That Crazy People Are Dangerous“ […]