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"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: An Inoffensive Offense

Posted on | August 4, 2024 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: An Inoffensive Offense

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Well, that was a miserable week. The Senators scored a total of nine runs in our six games against the Twins and Expos, with the result being that we went 1-5 on the week to finish at 48-70, four games behind the A’s in our division and not too far ahead of the cellar-dwelling O’s. Next week we have games against the Tribe, who we are 4-2 against, and Kansas Shitty, 3-4. So we might get a .500 week, or maybe not.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley et Hamas delendam sunt.

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In The Mailbox: 07.31.24 (Afternoon Edition)
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In The Mailbox: 07.31.24 (Evening Edition)
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A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending August 2:

  1.  EBL (13)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  A View From The Beach (9)
  4.  The Daley Gator (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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