The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fictitious Candidate Kamala Harris and Her Imaginary ‘Presidential Campaign’

Posted on | August 9, 2024 | Comments Off on Fictitious Candidate Kamala Harris and Her Imaginary ‘Presidential Campaign’

Why is Kamala Harris now the Democratic presidential candidate? Perhaps you’ve forgotten, so let me remind you. After the June 27 debate debacle for Joe Biden, it took about three weeks for the party bosses to convince Joe he had to go, and why? Because his meltdown was so bad as to make it impossible for Democrats to have any hope of recapturing the House of Representatives, and put Chuck Schumer’s Senate majority in jeopardy. This prospect of down-ticket damage was the real reason that Joe got kicked off the ticket and replaced with Kamala who, in the 19 days since being anointed as Biden’s replacement, has yet to conduct a press conference or to do a major media interview — not even with such friendly outlets as CNN and MSNBC. It seems apparent that the game plan for Team Harris is to keep playing hide-the-candidate at least until the end of the convention next week, in order to minimize any risk that she’ll say something besides what’s written on the teleprompter.

Meanwhile, I sit here with my office TV tuned to CNN, which is endlessly hyping up Harris as enormously popular, her campaign “surging” with grassroots excitement. This cannot last, I keep telling myself. Sooner or later, the media-generated protective bubble around Kamala is going to be pierced, America will discover that she’s a complete airhead, and her (suspiciously high) poll numbers will collapse. Or maybe I’m wrong.

Maybe this whole thing is a scripted simulation. Maybe Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) think they can repeat the Biden basement campaign scenario of 2020, absent the excuse of a pandemic. Maybe there will never be any press conferences, no media interviews in which Kamala has to face questions that aren’t submitted in advance, so that she can rehearse her answers ahead of time. Could she actually win the White House with such a fake campaign? I doubt it, but the point is Kamala’s job as “candidate” doesn’t require her to win. All she has to do to “succeed,” by the standards of those who installed her as Biden’s replacement, is to avoid the kind of catastrophe that would drag down the Democrats in their House and Senate campaigns.

There are plenty of ambitious Democrats — governors and senators, especially — with their hungry eyes fixed on 2028, and having Harris actually win the White House this year would be bad for them. But they don’t want the kind of meltdown they were facing with feeble-minded Joe at the top of the ticket, so now they’ve got Kamala as a sort of puppet whose job is to not lose so bad that it hurts Democrats in the down-ballot races. Kamala is a fake candidate in a make-believe campaign.


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