The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

DNC Debacle on Opening Night: Biden Pushed Out of Prime Time as Disorganized Convention Schedule Runs Overtime

Posted on | August 20, 2024 | Comments Off on DNC Debacle on Opening Night: Biden Pushed Out of Prime Time as Disorganized Convention Schedule Runs Overtime

What a disaster! Democrats crammed their prime-time convention schedule with a bunch of nobodies — Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock, Delaware Sen. Chris Coons, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, among others — so that Joe Biden didn’t take the stage until nearly 11:30 p.m. ET.

By the way, Chris Coons, who was chairman of Biden’s reelection campaign before the Dems shoved Biden off the ticket, accidentally made news in a Fox News interview where he bitterly blamed the news media for destroying Biden’s chances for a second term:

“After the debate, there was a relentless media focus on whether or not President Biden was as sharp as he had been in his 70s,” he said. “And day after day, week after week, we could not change the subject.” . . .
Fox News anchor John Roberts pressed for clarification — after Coons added that Biden stepping aside was “his decision” — on the complaint about the media focusing on the president’s mental condition.
“Let me just add one quick question, just to put a button on this: So you’re saying the reason why he’s not the nominee anymore is because of the media?” Roberts asked.
“I’m saying that after what was an admittedly a very bad debate performance,” Coons said, “he was sick, he had travelled too much, he did not perform well — that he reevaluated his path forward as a candidate.”
“Over the next three weeks,” Coons added, as Biden “gave interview after interview, speech after speech, rally after rally, the media wouldn’t let him move on.”
“And the polls began to reflect that folks did not have the confidence that he could serve four years as our next president,” he continued.
“Ultimately, it was the opinion of the American people and the opinion of those closest to him that mattered. I think he’s made the right decision,” Coons said.


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