The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.20.24

Posted on | August 20, 2024 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.20.24

— compiled by Wombat-socho

If I had any sense at all, I would just unpack all my stuff and go to bed, because it’s been a long couple of days in Las Vegas and the Nevada National Security Site, f/k/a Nevada Test Site. But here I am mongling links.
Speaking of which, if you’re an independent author of conservative or libertarian tendencies, there’s another Based Books Sale coming up in time for Based Con. 
Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

357 Magnum: Exercising Your 2A Rights Doesn’t Mean You Forfeit Your 4A Rights
EBL: Summer Rental, The Great Outdoors, and Phil Donahue, RIP | Milton Friedman as guest
Twitchy: MD Governor Talks At A Chicago Bar With “Little Gretch”, Jewish Groups Forced To Meet In Private & Are STILL Harassed At DNC, and Newsweek Says Kamala’s Poll Numbers Are Growing & Will Only Get Better
Louder With Crowder: Cringe Queen Kamala returns in glorious fashion, shows why they try to hide her from humans, also, “I’ll only accept those pronouns:” Creepy dude seems confused school board doesn’t know its gender
Vox Popoli: Of Course it Gets Worse, The Marketeer, ASOS on Amazon, A Not-Cure Worse Than the Disease, Empire of Lies = Not the Good Guys, and Stalking the Stacks
Stoic Observations: Stoic Bites #9 – Global Inequality
L’Ombre de L’Olivier: Four Key Russian Rail Junctions
Upstream Reviews: Queen of the Martian Catacombs
Draw & Talk Comics: You Want To Read This Quick Update!
Postcards From Barsoom: What Happens When The Regime Steals The 2024 Election?
Gab: Doomerism – The Pernicious Force Defining Our Age
Peter Brimelow: Why We’ve Suspended VDare & Why I’ve Resigned After 25 Years

CDR Salamander: Third Anniversary Review – This Is What A Whole Of Government Epistemic Failure Looks Like, Ten Months Of Lessons From The Red Sea With Bryan McGrath – On Midrats, and Searching For The Military Laffer Curve
Don Surber: How to tell Kamala isn’t polling well
Michele Catalano: the week in joy
Protein Wisdom Reborn: The New Holy Wars
STUMP: Chicago Is My Kind Of Town To Beat Up On (2018 Edition), (2019 Edition), and (The COVID Era) 

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Queen of the Martian Catacombs
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