The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

RFK Jr. Endorses Trump

Posted on | August 23, 2024 | Comments Off on RFK Jr. Endorses Trump

This happened while I was on the road — my wife and I are carrying our youngest daughter back to college this weekend — and the two main points to be emphasized are these:

  • First, this changes the conversation. The Sunday shows, which would have been all about Kamala’s “joyful” convention, will now be focused on how Kennedy’s endorsement affects the race.
  • Second, it’s easily worth a net two points to Trump. For the past few weeks, polls have shown RFK Jr. somewhere in the neighborhood of 5%, and if half of Kennedy’s supporters switch to Trump, that will boost Trump by two points. Considering that the Real Clear Politics average has Harris +1.5, the race is now reset at a dead heat, or perhaps with Trump leading by a point or so nationally. The effect in the various “battleground” states may be somewhat less noticeable, but still this is a clear boost for Trump’s overall chances of winning.

Ace of Spades transcribed much of the announcement. After Kamala’s nothing-burger convention, which alternated between defaming Trump and celebrating the “joy” of Democrats, the endorsement by RFK Jr. will help focus public attention on the anti-democratic tendencies of the 21st-century Democratic Party. It’s the exact kind of shift Trump needed, at the exact time he needed it most. Smells like . . . #winning.


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