Crazy People Are Dangerous
Posted on | September 1, 2024 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous
Say hello to Corey Cobb-Bey and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because he died Thursday night in the proverbial hail of police gunfire after he murdered a Dallas cop and wounded two others.
Four months ago, I warned about this particular kind of craziness (see “The ‘Moorish Sovereign Citizen’ Menace,” April 30):
Preferring a bogus mythology over actual history is irrational, pointing toward deep-rooted psychiatric problems. Crazy ideas attract crazy people, making it difficult to unravel cause and effect. Does this “Moorish” nonsense make people crazy, or were they crazy to begin with? Probably it’s a little of both, but the bottom line is, by the time one of these imaginary “Moors” gets into a confrontation with law enforcement, there’s a risk of deadly violence, because Crazy People Are Dangerous.
Tracing the history of this “Moorish” stuff — the self-evidently false claim that black Americans are descended from Moroccans and therefore exempt from U.S. law because of some 18th-century treaty — is in some sense futile, because the people who fall for it are not going to be dissuaded by facts and logic (tools of the White Devil).
Headline from Dallas ABC affiliate WFAA-TV:
Father of suspected
Dallas police shooter said his son
had been acting strange recently
“Recently”? No, sir, your son had been acting strange for years, but maybe you weren’t paying attention. Trust me, I’ve skimmed through Corey’s Facebook page and this descent into madness is not recent.
Go watch that video and tell me, is he crazy or not? His new identity immediately led Corey Cobb to trouble with police:
In 2017, Cobb was charged with intentionally providing false information to the police.
Officers initially pulled him over for having an expired registration.
When police asked for his name, he told officers it was Coremour Bey.
According to documents, when the police asked for his birthdate, Cobb allegedly replied, “That is private information, you can find everything you need with just my name.”
Cobb was arrested for his traffic violations.
The surname “Bey” is apparently common in Morocco, and many “Moorish” black Americans incorporate it into their new identities, e.g., John Jones Bey of Indianapolis, who was arrested after a 2017 standoff with police, and Kyran Caples, a/k/a “Kmac El Bey,” who died in a shootout with deputies in Polk County, Florida, in April this year.
A fair amount of my journalistic career has been devoted to reporting about kooky extremists, on the theory that all really influential movements start out on the “fringe” of politics. That’s why, for example, I rode to Denver in a van full of Libertarian delegates to the 2008 convention that nominated Bob Barr for president. Longtime readers may recall when I was targeted in 2012 by “Anonymous” hackers because of my criticism of their pro-Hamas activism. Today’s fringe kooks may become tomorrow’s mainstream, so it’s important to pay attention to them, and I’ve got a track record of solid hunches on this stuff:
The maniac who killed three police in Baton Rouge and wounded three others was both racist and insane. Ranting against “crackers” on YouTube, talking about “revolution” and “my people” with the delusional grandiosity typical of a paranoid schizophrenic . . .
That was July 2016, and it was subsequently learned that “Gavin Eugene Long was deranged, daft, demented, cracked, zany, wacko, bonkers, off his rocker and a few fries short of a Happy Meal,” who had filed paperwork in 2015 “declaring himself Cosmo Ausar Setepenra, a ‘sovereign citizen’ of the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu’ur nation.” This group was founded in the 1990s by a Louisiana woman named Verdiacee Hampton Goston, a/k/a “Empress Verdiacee Tiari Washitaw Turner Goston El-Bey,” and is sort of a rogue splinter of the Moorish Science Temple of America. All of this may seem like a laughable absurdity to you, but the fact is that this “Moorish” insanity keeps resulting in cops being shot, as happened Thursday night in Dallas:

Dallas Police Officer Darron Burks
The Dallas Police Department provided an emotional update after Officer Darron Burks was shot and killed, saying that the former high school teacher was “executed” while in the line of duty.
In a press conference Friday, Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia said that the department had lost a “brother” and a “hero” following the shooting.
“As a department and as a family, we are devastated,” Garcia said. “Last night we lost a brother, a hero. Officer Darron Burks was a son, a nephew, a friend to many, and he was senselessly and tragically murdered in the line of duty.”
The shooting, which happened around 10 p.m. Thursday night near the Oak Cliff Community Center, killed Burks and wounded two other officers. The suspected gunman, identified as 30-year-old Corey Cobb-Bey, was killed in a shootout with police.
“We came close to losing other officers,” Garcia said. “Officers who put their lives on the line to protect their brother, and it is by the grace of God that they are still with us today.”
The chief of police said that the officers were “targeted” by Cobb-Bey.
“Our officers were targeted by nothing more than the uniforms that they wear and for the brave and honorable job that they do,” he said. “I want to be clear here, the word ambush has been thrown around in the last 24 hours. That is not what happened here. Officer Burks was executed.” . . .
“Cobb-Bey approached Burks and talked with him briefly at the driver’s side of the window as he recorded the encounter with a cellphone,” he said. “The suspect then pulled out a handgun and executed Officer Burks as he sat in his vehicle.”
Police said they got a 911 call about an officer in distress. Responding officers found Burks in his marked patrol vehicle critically injured.
At 10:11 p.m., Senior Corporal Jamie Farmer pulled into the parking lot after responding to a call for backup. Farmer was met with gunfire from Cobb-Bey. When Farmer returned fire, Cobb-Bey grabbed the shotgun and fired at Farmer, hitting him in the leg.
A minute later, Senior Corporal Karissa David arrived on the scene.
The Cobb-Bey ran toward David, shooting at her multiple times while she exited her vehicle.
David was shot in the face, according to police.
The officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect, and two additional officers were shot.
The suspect was shot and killed at the end of a high-speed police chase on Interstate 35 from Dallas to Lewisville.
All because of some lunatic “Moorish” bullshit and exactly what is being done about this? You can get banned from social media as an “election denier” for suggesting that Joe Biden didn’t get 81 million votes, and yet people are permitted to post all kinds of this “sovereign citizen” propaganda without consequences? When it can be demonstrated as a fact that this leads to deadly violence? People need to wake up.
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