The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Liberals Have a Jewish Problem (and Also, Jews Have a Liberalism Problem)

Posted on | September 6, 2024 | No Comments

William Jacobson has been a friend for about 15 years, and has always been staunchly conservative. Unlike some “conservatives,” Jacobson has never flinched in his support for Donald Trump. He gets it.

Professor Jacobson teaches law at Cornell University, and has turned his Legal Insurrection blog into one of the most influential conservative sites on the Internet (and employs another of my good friends, Mike LaChance). Excuse me for being somewhat mind-boggled by idea that a lecture by such an eminent authority on campus anti-Semitism would be canceled because some liberals in the congregation were triggered by the thought of a Republican setting foot in their synagogue.


How could any Jew look around at the current geopolitical landscape and conclude that it’s safe to ignore all the various threats to their existence — not just Hamas terrorists in Gaza, but also the various murderous entities backed by the Islamic radcical regime in Iran, to say nothing of Democratic primary voters in Dearborn, Michigan — because Trump is the real danger? What kind of cocoon are these people living in?

A mindless allegiance to the Democratic Party? A quasi-religious devotion to the Cult of Equality? What can possibly explain this seemingly suicidal mentality among liberal Jews?

David Horowitz examined these issues in Radical Son, and the question was addressed directly by Norman Podhoretz: Why Are Jews Liberals?

At a time when organized liberalism has increasingly embraced Jew-haters (e.g., Ilhan Omar, to say nothing of Democratic primary voters in Dearborn), I wish there could be more discussion of this issue.


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