The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thought Criminal: Eric Weinstein

Posted on | September 7, 2024 | No Comments

In 1992, Eric Weinstein got a Ph.D. in mathematical physics from Harvard University and then did what any truly smart Harvard Ph.D. would do — he got rich working for hedge funds. This makes him the kind of role model I’d like my kids to emulate. One of my sons is a top student at his law school and I keep telling him it doesn’t matter what niche of the profession he pursues. The important thing is to become a rich lawyer.

Eric’s brother Brett Weinstein made headlines by resigning (along with his wife, Heather Heying) from Evergreen College in the wake of the college’s “Day of Absence” controversy. So the whole family is part of The Rebellion against the Empire of Woke, but I hadn’t paid much attention until last night when, by the mysterious voodoo of the algorithm, YouTube suggested I watch Chris Williamson’s interview with Eric Williamson and — wow! Mind-blowing genius on display.

The full interview is three-and-a-half hours long, and maybe you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, but here’s a 10-minute clip about Big Tech trying to influence the 2024 presidential election:


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