The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Fake Priesthood of ‘Misinformation’

We shall explore the buffoonery of Jeff Hancock, of whom Professor Glenn Reynolds has said, “Honestly, that he calls himself a ‘misinformation expert’ proves that he is a charlatan already.” Before we get into the details of Hackock’s blunder, however, I first wish to point out that our beloved hero and role model, Ace of […]

The Heroism of Amy Wax

“A man who is not willing to be slandered by the Left is of no use to the Right. It goes without saying, and can be demonstrated from history, that every successful proponent of the conservative cause becomes a target of the Left’s character assassins.” — Robert Stacy McCain, “First They Came for Mel Bradford” […]

The Dumbest Take on the 2024 Election

A few weeks ago, I bought a copy of Thomas Sowell’s 1987 book A Conflict of Visions as a gift for a young man who was struggling with his political views. My intention is, once he’s finished reading that, to give him the second book of that Sowell trilogy, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation […]

The Agony of #NeverTrump: His Comeback Has Destroyed Their Prestige

If you want to see something funny — that is, assuming you have a sadistic sense of humor — you should go watch YouTube highlights of The Bulwark’s Election Night podcast, featuring Bill Kristol, Tim Miller, Sarah Longwell, Jonathan V. Last and company in a slow downhill slide from hope to despair. Perhaps never in […]

It’s Classical Allusions Day

Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia? Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora voltusque moverunt? Patere tua consilia non sentis, constrictam iam […]

Thought Criminal: Eric Weinstein

In 1992, Eric Weinstein got a Ph.D. in mathematical physics from Harvard University and then did what any truly smart Harvard Ph.D. would do — he got rich working for hedge funds. This makes him the kind of role model I’d like my kids to emulate. One of my sons is a top student at […]

In Defense of Cynicism

“The cynics aren’t always right. But that’s the way to bet,” Professor Glenn Reynolds says, in regard to a young journalist’s belated discovery that an infamous “hate crime” was not what he’d been told. There is an unfortunate shortage of Cynicism among the young nowadays. Their idealistic conceptions of “social justice” make them automatic suckers […]

Not Rule 5: ‘Intersectional’ Craziness

Say hello to Amanda Gelender, who in various articles has discussed her psychiatric problems — depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). She’s a pancake stack of craziness, covered with insanity syrup. She’s got so many mental illnesses, it’s like the index of the DSM-5. But don’t worry, she’s found an effective treatment […]

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