The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.27.24 (Returning From The Secret City Edition)

Posted on | September 28, 2024 | No Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
The week I spent at Oak Ridge TN was educational, informative, interesting, and unfortunately I was hideously jet-lagged and short on sleep for about half of it. That having been said, if you’re in the neighborhood, you should absolutely visit the K-25 Museum, which is chock-full of cool Manhattan Project information and spiffy exhibits.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley et Hamas delendam sunt.

“I picked a bad week to give up booze and smoking.”

357 Magnum: A $12 Billion Jobs Program For Particle Physicists, Self-Defense Is Legal In Michigan, Good Guys 5 Bad Guys 0, Fecesbook & The CDC Conspired To Limit Speech, and What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?
EBL: Tropical Storm Helene Brings The Rain, also, MAGA Surge
Twitchy: Democrat Congresswoman’s Crazy Video Provides More Proof We Need Term Limits, Giorgia Meloni Wrecks “Little Macron” After He Stupidly Picks A Fight With Her, and Kamala Ran To The Border And Suddenly Believes It Shouldn’t Be Wide Open
Louder With Crowder: CNN discovers blue state parents pass their hate down to their kids while red state parents don’t, also, Democrat Rep insists the entire purpose of the DOJ is to go after Donald Trump & “Christian Nationalists”
Vox Popoli: A Futile Warning, Russia Changes Nuke Doctrine, I May Have Been Wrong, Reads Like Victory, and So Much for “Self Defense”
According To Hoyt: Things You Don’t Know You Need, Pebbles And Votes, and The Finite Pie
Upstream Reviews: The Princess Seeks Her Fortune, Nightfall In Middle-Earth, The Icarus Twin, A Loving Homage To 40 Years Of Transformers, and The Romanov Rescue
Defending The Wood Perilous: Babes In Regencyland, also, Gypsie Princess Effie’s Diary #11
Stoic Observations: The Major Leagues Vs. Congress, Family 171, and Wogs Of The Future
Postcards From Barsoom: To Shatter Men’s Souls
Flappr: Big TD’s Football Blog Week 3 Gun Deaths In America

BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 27
CDR Salamander: 20th & 21st Century Lessons With Chinese Characteristics, How Do You Say “Frog Soup” In Mandarin? There’s Already A War In Lebanon, Podcast #2, This Is What Your Navy With Accountancy In Primacy Looks Like, Diversity Thursday, and Fullbore Friday
Dana Loesch: Last Week In Legal – Pop Culture Edition, FCC’s Carr Says Soros Could Kick Conservatives Off Radio Stations, School Suspends Kid For Laying Out Cans In The Shape Of A Gun, Thursday Evening Culture, and The War On Warhammer
Don Surber: The cheat goes on, Who approved indicting Diddy? Does Trump pay them to endorse Kamala-dee-dah? Trump is not alone, and The least shocking endorsement of them all
Glenn Reynolds: Criminalizing Science Fraud,
Hans Schantz: September 2024 Based Book Projects,
michele catalano: Betting It All Away,
Protein Wisdom Reborn: Are You Racist? Notes From A Cluttered Mind, Totem Polls, Humpday Shrapnel, Of Mice & Mens, and Mental Sorbet 3
STUMP: The Week In Meep, IgNobel 2024 Winner, Taxing Tuesday – SALTy Trump, Cancer Watch
The Political Hat: Artificial Leg Muscles Mean One Thing: Catgirls Who Can Run, Dance, And Skip, When Optional Indoctrination Is Mandatory, and Free to Choose Friday, Revisited (Part 5)

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