The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Charlie Martin Needs Your Help

Posted on | October 22, 2024 | No Comments

Old-school blogging story: At the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, I was blogging from Jim Hoft’s hotel room while Jim, Michelle Malkin and Charlie Martin went down to investigate a protest at the Denver Mint organized by Alex Jones who was, then as always, a deranged conspiracy theorist. Upon spotting Malkin, Jones pointed her out and yelled something about her being a “neocon warmonger,” at which point Jones’s mob of followers rushed over to surround Malkin and began shouting and pushing. It was an instant riot, basically, but Malkin was protected from the psycho mob by Charlie Martin.

Instapundit informs us that Charlie needs our help: He had retired to Florida, but when that became too expensive (Bidenflation), Charlie was persuaded to locate to Costa Rica where, he had been assured, the cost of living was more affordable. Six months later, however, this has gone badly awry, and now Charlie is soliciting contributions to fund his return to the United States. I just kicked in $20. Please do likewise.

Bonus: I found video of that 2008 confrontation:


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