Death of a Freak
Posted on | December 4, 2024 | Comments Off on Death of a Freak
October is celebrated as “LGBTQ+ Liberation Month” on the campus of the University of Rhode Island [URI], and as part of that celebration in 2023, URI’s Gender and Sexuality Center hosted an “OnlyFans Entrepreneur Panel” featuring Apollo Moon. Let us pause here to ask an important question: “WTF? A state university is sponsoring panel discussions to encourage students to be ‘entrepreneurs’ on OnlyFans?” What next? “How to Support Your Meth Addiction as a Hooker”?
Leaving aside questions about the lunacy taking hold in academia, what about “Apollo Moon”? Turns out that “he” was a woman originally named Hannah Lynn Harader, who had undergone transgender treatment (mastectomy and testosterone) to become a “trans male porn performer.” Being a journalist, curiosity is a career requirement, so I felt compelled to investigate exactly what “Apollo Moon” did to pay the bills. You should probably hit my tip jar to compensate me for the psychological trauma of seeing it. Why anyone would enjoy watching that — let alone pay to watch it — is a profound mystery, but then I remember that nearly 75 million Americans voted for Kamala Harris, and it’s somewhat less mysterious. In a nation of 335 million people, where everybody’s got access to the Internet, it’s not actually difficult to find an audience of several hundred people who are into whatever kink or fetish you’re peddling, so that “Apollo Moon” could probably collect a few thousand a month as a “trans male porn performer.” The idea that this made her an “enterpreneur” who should be featured in a panel discussion at a public university — well, why not just go down to the nearest truck stop and find some “lot lizards” to tell your students about enterpreneurship?
R.I.P., Apollo Moon, who died last week at age 26, probably by suicide, according to Andy Ngo. “Apollo”/Harader had recently decided to quit “his”/her career as a porn performer, and had a lot of social-media posts about “his”/her personal problems, as @TTExulansic exposed at length.
Deceased trans ftm porn star Apollo Moon was taking more testosterone than she was prescribed. Testosterone is an addictive controlled substance. She was afraid to tell her doctor she was misusing it, but not the internet.
— ??ulansic ? (@TTExulansic) December 4, 2024
Just days before his death, Moon wrote on X: ‘Being trans brought me so much joy and there was nothing in this world that made me happier than sharing that experience with my community.’
In October, Moon announced he was leaving the porn industry after it took a toll on his mental health.
‘When I started my career in 2020 I was excited and loved it. Over the years it took a toll on my mental health,’ he wrote.
‘My financial and mental health became reliant on how others view and put worth on my body. I love the community that I was able to build and I am grateful for my coperformers for being such supportive people to me.’
By the way, “Moon”/Harader’s friends and family won’t say that “his”/her death was suicide, but if it wasn’t foul play or an accident or natural causes, the process of elimination leaves few alternatives.
The promoters of transgender ideology don’t want the larger public to be aware of how often medical “treatment” yields such outcomes. Young people with profound mental health problems are vulnerable to recruitment into transgender identity, which is presented to them as a panacea for adolescent woe. The teenage/young adult years are difficult for most kids, and the appeal of transgenderism is that, for a certain subset of young misfits, it seems to explain all their problems, and provides them with a sense of belonging to a sort of community. The obvious downside is that this “community” is full of damaged freaks. Belonging to the Transgender Freak Club doesn’t confer any real benefits on its members, and tends to alienate them from the world where successful, happy and emotionally stable people live. Your “community” is essentially a free-range lunatic asylum, and that’s not a good life.
“Apollo Moon” may be an extreme example of this, but “he”/she is in many ways typical of what’s wrong with transgender ideology. Hannah Harader traveled the same path as many other such people, the only difference being that “he”/she went farther down the path than most, gaining a certain level of notoriety (it seems wrong to call it “fame,” and perhaps the better word is infamy) as a porn performer.
That officials of the Univerity of Rhode Island would celebrate such a person as a heroic role model of “LGBTQ+ Liberation” raises a lot of questions about what kind of “liberation” they are advocating.
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