The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Death Porn Is Not The Answer

Posted on | May 5, 2011 | 8 Comments

by Smitty

Pardon the similar post to what Stacy just published, but all this panties-abunch noise in the dextrosphere is false. Bin Laden, while diabolical, is now dead. All of this fretting over the internals of the decision making of the operation is bollocks. Time spent fretting this is time unspent on the EPA, DOJ, TSA, &c. Do not let jubilation over the victory distract from the real task of saving the country.

The decision not to release photos of the operation is about the least important thing on the public plate right now. Precisely what value would such images add? Hint: if the value is purely emotional, and more than two minutes are wasted on the topic, then the condescending attitude of the Left toward the American people has been justified. Maybe I’ve just seen enough kill pics lately, but this strikes me as a completely stupid distractor of an issue. Ask, and if the answer is no, return to more productive lines of inquiry.
The most interesting tidbit yet is this bit from Insty:

“What would you say if someone credible told you that Osama Bin Laden is providing valuable information during his interrogation this week? He knows the world believes he is dead, and that there is no hope of rescue. Brilliant strategy by US to create a Schroedinger terrorist mastermind who is both dead and alive at the same time, as long as the box stays closed.”

I would say that if you really want to know, you have to get an intel job and dedicate yourself to dealing with this sort of thing. The bad news is that you have a Schroedinger tongue at that point: it only exists if you keep your mouth shut.
All this super-spooky stuff is like Rule 5: appreciate it a little bit as a 2D jpeg on a screen, and enjoy life.
Letting yourself be distracted by a Rule 5 cutie in real life, to the detriment of a real relationship, is unwise. Repeat after me: leave the Ueber-SEAL ninja stuff to the handful of adrenalin junkies that do it full time.
Smitty out!


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