The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

National Offend A Feminist Week: Is She Insensitive?

Posted on | May 3, 2010 | 17 Comments

by Smitty

Birchtree Sustainable Studios has been seeking linkage for some time, but achieved new depths of shamelessness during NOAFW. Billy Bob says:

Now in this post I have decided not to offend feminists but rather to point out why their cause in America is so ludicrous and farcical.

See here, BB. You and I both know that hardcore, bra-burning, tobacco chewing feminism is about taking yourself and your cause so seriously that pointing out the ‘ludicrous and farcical’ aspects of it would be like mentioning to Al Gore that he’s as worthy of an Oscar and a Nobel as he was the presidency. It’s tantamount to a declaration of war.

What feminism tries to do is to take a woman (spoon) and a man (fork) and make them into a spork, one problem with that…sporks kinda of suck at eating food.

Feminism would argue that tradition is old and therefore passé. Sporks are born of Holy Progress, and we should always make womb for Progress, not babies.

Possibly BSS could follow up Recycle Reuse Rabbit with something equally catchy, yet offensive. How about a sculpture entitled Dworkin Sporkin’? A jolly bust that goes bust! Not too disrespectful, mind you–the lady passed five years ago, I just learned.


17 Responses to “National Offend A Feminist Week: Is She Insensitive?”

  1. Robert Birch
    May 4th, 2010 @ 3:29 am

    Dworkin Sporkin is going to take some inspiration and some time. Thanks for the linkage Smitty!

  2. Robert Birch
    May 3rd, 2010 @ 10:29 pm

    Dworkin Sporkin is going to take some inspiration and some time. Thanks for the linkage Smitty!

  3. Estragon
    May 4th, 2010 @ 9:33 am

    “Offend a Feminist Week?” Boy, we’re setting the bar pretty low these days . . .

    Is there ANY way a white male could say or do ANYTHING which would NOT offend a feminist?

    Now, THERE would be a challenge.

  4. Estragon
    May 4th, 2010 @ 4:33 am

    “Offend a Feminist Week?” Boy, we’re setting the bar pretty low these days . . .

    Is there ANY way a white male could say or do ANYTHING which would NOT offend a feminist?

    Now, THERE would be a challenge.

  5. Mary Rose
    May 4th, 2010 @ 10:25 am

    A long time ago, I attended an art show where one of the pieces was a very large, wooden sculpture of a huge bird that had the face of a woman. The woman’s head was full of hair curlers, but what made me laugh was her face. Eyes wide and bulging, eyebrows knitted in an expression of permanent disdain, and lips curled back, showing teeth in a very intimidating snarl.

    The title was “Harpie” or something like that. To this day, whenever I think of radical feminism, I think of that sculpture.

  6. Mary Rose
    May 4th, 2010 @ 5:25 am

    A long time ago, I attended an art show where one of the pieces was a very large, wooden sculpture of a huge bird that had the face of a woman. The woman’s head was full of hair curlers, but what made me laugh was her face. Eyes wide and bulging, eyebrows knitted in an expression of permanent disdain, and lips curled back, showing teeth in a very intimidating snarl.

    The title was “Harpie” or something like that. To this day, whenever I think of radical feminism, I think of that sculpture.

  7. dm
    May 4th, 2010 @ 12:17 pm

    I consider myself one of those old hard line libbers, although I have never been affiliated with any organization as such. For example, I was greatly offended when “they” (still don’t know who that was exactly) changed “Take your daughter to work day” to “take your child”…what was wrong with having a day just for the girls? I don’t go around preaching the gospel according to feminism, I just believe in equality and justice. Violence against women is a particularly troubling subject. And yes, perhaps I have turned into that “Harpie” statue…course, it would be nice if my husband got off his *ss and actually washed a dish, cleaned a carpet, folded a load of clothes – something, to at least make me feel I am married to my partner – not some middle aged kid. OK, off the feminist soapbox for now…carry on.

  8. dm
    May 4th, 2010 @ 7:17 am

    I consider myself one of those old hard line libbers, although I have never been affiliated with any organization as such. For example, I was greatly offended when “they” (still don’t know who that was exactly) changed “Take your daughter to work day” to “take your child”…what was wrong with having a day just for the girls? I don’t go around preaching the gospel according to feminism, I just believe in equality and justice. Violence against women is a particularly troubling subject. And yes, perhaps I have turned into that “Harpie” statue…course, it would be nice if my husband got off his *ss and actually washed a dish, cleaned a carpet, folded a load of clothes – something, to at least make me feel I am married to my partner – not some middle aged kid. OK, off the feminist soapbox for now…carry on.

  9. Mary Rose
    May 4th, 2010 @ 1:07 pm

    dm, I empathize with you regarding housework. Thankfully I have a husband who does the vacuuming and tub; mainly because he was already “middle-aged” when we met and had been living alone for years. Husbands who have working wives should realize that the care and feeding of a home is to be shared.

    I also echo your sentiment toward violence against women. That’s why I was especially troubled by a recent story of a young woman volunteer who was raped in Haiti but yet, deluded by PC-thought, claiming she was “grateful” for the experience. Gah…

    I know Phyllis Schlafly enrages many feminists, but that was my introduction to women in politics. At the time, I thought she was strong, gutsy, and very smart. I love strong, gutsy, smart women. I just don’t want my face to look like a harpie. 😉

  10. Mary Rose
    May 4th, 2010 @ 8:07 am

    dm, I empathize with you regarding housework. Thankfully I have a husband who does the vacuuming and tub; mainly because he was already “middle-aged” when we met and had been living alone for years. Husbands who have working wives should realize that the care and feeding of a home is to be shared.

    I also echo your sentiment toward violence against women. That’s why I was especially troubled by a recent story of a young woman volunteer who was raped in Haiti but yet, deluded by PC-thought, claiming she was “grateful” for the experience. Gah…

    I know Phyllis Schlafly enrages many feminists, but that was my introduction to women in politics. At the time, I thought she was strong, gutsy, and very smart. I love strong, gutsy, smart women. I just don’t want my face to look like a harpie. 😉

  11. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 4th, 2010 @ 3:32 pm

    Oohh… is The Other McCain now endorsing spooning??! 😀 When does that start?

  12. Roxeanne de Luca
    May 4th, 2010 @ 10:32 am

    Oohh… is The Other McCain now endorsing spooning??! 😀 When does that start?

  13. Robert Birch
    May 4th, 2010 @ 6:03 pm

    There is a saying at my church that spooning leads to forking…and than a spork.

    LOL@ the Harpie statue, I like the idea of making artwork about feminism.

  14. Robert Birch
    May 4th, 2010 @ 1:03 pm

    There is a saying at my church that spooning leads to forking…and than a spork.

    LOL@ the Harpie statue, I like the idea of making artwork about feminism.

  15. Hot Damn, It’s National Offend A Feminist Week Again! » Pirate's Cove
    May 4th, 2010 @ 5:49 pm

    […] Smitty is working hard to offend them today, guess I must do my best to be a sexist swine, too […]

  16. National Offend a Feminist Week 2010 Continued
    May 4th, 2010 @ 11:19 pm

    […] National Offend A Feminist Week: Is She Insensitive? You and I both know that hardcore, bra-burning, tobacco chewing feminism is about taking yourself and your cause so seriously that pointing out the ‘ludicrous and farcical’ aspects of it would be like mentioning to Al Gore that he’s as worthy of an Oscar and a Nobel as he was the presidency. […]

  17. Thursday Offend A Feminista (5 Images) » Pirate's Cove
    May 5th, 2010 @ 2:43 pm

    […] blame Smitty and RS McCain for this post Sphere: Related […]