The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Was #Anonymous Busted Because of Barrett Brown’s Betrayal — or Blunders? UPDATE: Hacker ‘Anarchaos’ Pleads Not Guilty in Federal Court Appearance

By sheer chance today, I happened across an intriguing post at Ameristroika suggesting that Barrett Brown played a key role in the takedown of the Anonymous/LulzSec criminal hacker conspiracy. To summarize briefly: The indictment of LulzSec hacking suspects Ryan Ackroyd, Jake Davis, Darren Martyn, Jeremy Hammond, and Donncha O’Cearrbhail mentions an unindicted co-conspirator. There are […]

Erstwhile #Anonymous Spokesman Barrett Brown Scores Six-Figure Book Deal, Raided by FBI, Denounces Snitch

Barrett Brown, blabbering vulgar gibberish into his webcam, March 2011 “The fact that Amazon is now providing money to me and Housh — they’re going to help us get our message out.” — Barrett Brown, November 2011 Longtime readers of the blog will recall that in February 2011, I put up a post with this […]

Arrest of British LulzSec Hacker Renews Questions About Barrett Brown’s Activity

The arrest of a 19-year-old British hacker in connection with criminal “denial of service” attacks by the group known as “LulzSec” has raised new questions about the activities of Barrett Brown, the former self-appointed spokesman for the “Anonymous” hacker collective. The New York Times reports: LONDON — As suspects go, Ryan Cleary did not look […]

Has Barrett Brown Scammed NBC News?

In-freaking-credible! Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Barrett Brown is either, as Michael Isikoff reports, “an underground commander in a new kind of warfare” — a member of a criminal conspiracy who should be under arrest — or else he’s one of the most successful hoaxers in recent memory. […]

Is the FBI Watching Barrett Brown? (And If They’re Not Already, Shouldn’t They?)

One of those weird stories that just drops out of the sky: Regular readers will recall my occasional go-rounds with atheist blogger Barrett Brown, who first appeared on my radar amid the 2009 LGF blogwar and has since occasionally popped up from time to time. My status as a sometimes combatant with Brown resulted in me […]

VIDEO: Dueling A**holes

OK, everybody knows there’s no love lost between me and Barrett Brown. But even I must admit that the boy has just entered the realm of YouTube legend. The setup: Brown’s bohemian lifestyle is getting on the nerves of his girlfriend’s roommate, a guy who has a real job as a Web designer and is angry […]

Barrett Brown Gets Himself Banned from LGF and League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Somebody brought this up in the comments on another thread. Barrett Brown — who when last heard from here, had his lawyer threatening me with a libel action — has now in the space of a few days gotten himself banned from both Little Green Footballs and the League of Ordinary Gentlemen. As to the LGF banning, […]

‘A Communicational Schematic That Is Superior to Anything Else in Existence’

On April 7, 2002, a university professor in Tennessee posted this: I keep hearing from people that they started a weblog because of InstaPundit. About a month ago, I asked everyone who did so to email me. I got so many that it took me a while to find the time — and energy — […]

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