The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A. +/- Umpteen Eleventy

Q. What was the statistical margin of error on DailyKos polls for the past two years? Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos has sued his polling company, Research 2000 (R2K, for short), alleging that the firm supplied “fraudulent” data. Daily Kos has produced a report that seems to indicate R2K was just making up numbers. I say “seems […]

They Deserve Each Other: Olbermann and Daily Kos Break Up to Make Up?

There have been more than a few outbreaks of raw crazy on the blogosphere lately, and it’s reassuring to see that the same virus has infested the brackish waters at Daily Kos, where Keith Olbermann asks, “Et tu, Kossacks?” I used to read a lot about how people here would ‘always have my back’ and trust me this […]

Kos Spins Mass. Senate Campaign: ‘Teabaggers’ Doom Scott Brown?

Jumping in Pools gives this spin a thorough fisking, but here’s just a taste of Kos in whistle-past-the-graveyard mode: Brown has been caught in a vice. His support from teabaggers was critical to becoming competitive . . . On the other hand, that conservative support has come at a cost. . . . The teabaggers demand ideological purity, and he’s […]

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