The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Unlike Stacy, Smitty Needs His Beauty Sleep

by Smitty Thanks, Tabitha! Tom blogs at VA Right, and Tabitha is mostly too busy for such. Last night’s reception at the Crystal City Sheraton answered the question: if bloggers were Trekkies, would Scott Ott be Spock, Stephen Green be McCoy, and Bill Whittle be Kirk? No: nobody was weird enough to ask that question. […]

Iowahawk Rocks. Again.

by Smitty One likes to get beyond the “look here” post. The latest Iowahawk skewering of liberalism achieves his usual high standards. Let me point out a couple of bits that might escape if you for whatever reason. The title alludes to Joseph Conrad’s classic Heart of Darkness. This masterpiece (and I’m a tremendous Conrad […]

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