The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Harry Reid Refuses to Compromise

Explain to me again how this is the GOP’s fault? Congress took another step toward a government shutdown Monday as the Senate voted 54-46 to strip language from a House funding bill that delayed ObamaCare by a year. . . . Democrats also eliminated language allowing employers to opt out of providing insurance coverage of […]

Shutdown Monday: Blame Harry Reid

The New York Times: The Senate is expected to reject decisively a House bill that would delay the full effect of President Obama’s health care law as a condition for keeping the government running past Monday, as Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader, expressed confidence that he had public opinion on his side. Why […]

The Real Crisis the Media Ignores

Headlines about the danger of a “government shutdown” are misleading, and this is not an accident. Democrats are playing politics, and their media allies are talking about a “crisis” for which they blame Republicans. The noise is intended to distract from what this is really about: It’s not about Ted Cruz and it’s not about […]

James Fallows, Eminent Fool, and the Surprising Vindication of John C. Calhoun

“The necessary result, then, of the unequal fiscal action of the government is, to divide the community into two great classes; one consisting of those who, in reality, pay the taxes, and, of course, bear exclusively the burthen of supporting the government; and the other, of those who are the recipients of their proceeds, through […]

Ted Cruz Goes All Night; Vendors of Conventional Wisdom Say This Is Bad

Readers may have noticed that I have been ignoring the ObamaCare “Don’t Fund It” dramatics, along with the “government shutdown” threat and the punditry gabfest that have accompanied it. Depending on who you listen to, either Ted Cruz is the future of the Republican Party or else Ted Cruz is the harbinger of the final […]

Chicago School System’s $1 Billion Deficit Forces Layoffs for 850 Teachers, Staff

Is this the Hope or the Change? The worst fears of Chicago Public School teachers and staffers were confirmed Friday when district officials announced it was laying off some 850 employees. “Given the historic financial crisis facing our District, next year’s budget will not come without painful decisions, which is why we are making tough choices […]

President Finally Unites Americans: Everybody Hates Obama’s Budget

Let’s start with the most obvious signal of unity: If President Obama has lost a liberal like Taylor Marsh . . . President Obama is daring the right to blow this chance [to reach a deficit[-reduction deal]. Unfortunately, the game of chicken the President is playing with people’s only avenue to stay out of poverty […]

VIDEO: Dana Loesch on Sequestration

Dana Loesch was a guest on Sean Hannity’s show last night, engaging in the dangerous practice of telling the truth about Obama: “The House was discussing a proposal to give the Presidet the power of the purse, so to speak, and the he could decide where he wanted to cut, if he really did want […]

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