The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Maggie Mac Moves Mouth,
Mad Monsoon Materializes

by Smitty Meghan McCain, the daughter of Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain, often refers to herself as a Republican, but rarely as a “conservative.” And on Wednesday night’s broadcast of “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” she suggested former President Ronald Reagan would fall in line with her — especially on the issue of same-sex […]

Bitter Fruits of a Bitter Seed: Envy, Feminism, Maureen and Meghan

HOLLIS, N.H. Time constraints have improved my ability to ignore Maureen Dowd. Many months now often elapse between my ever bothering to notice anything she’s written. Today, however, Pete Da Tech Guy called my attention to Ms. Dowd’s unseemly assault on Rick Santorum’s family. And then Pete sat down and wrote a rather stunning contrast […]

Greetings From the Granite State!

MANCHESTER, N.H. My flight arrived late at Boston’s Logan Airport, and I ought to demand a refund from AirTran because their advertised in-flight WiFi service was out of order, which no one seemed to notice until the passenger in Seat 30D — that would be me — asked the flight attendant about it. Of course, […]

Meghan McCain: I Look At Callista Gingrich, And All I Hear Is Foreigner

by Smitty Wake up Maggy, I think I’ve got something to say to you:Per the HuffPo: Meghan McCain argued on MSNBC Tuesday that Callista Gingrich is doing damage to her husband’s presidential primary campaign because she is “a mistress,” has an “icy” personality. . . Is she as cold as ice? Willing to sacrifice your […]

Was That Megan McArdle Or Meghan McCain?

by Smitty Nonetheless, I confess, I like Barney Frank. I also think that, whatever his mistakes, he’s pretty knowledgeable about finance. And you need only look at the committee list to see that it could have been so, so much worse. Well, garsh, guys: the leukemia death was way better than straight decapitation. Barney Frank; Maxine […]

Hoffman at The College Conservative Misses the Genius of Meghan McCain

by Smitty And by misses I mean thoroughly rejects (emphasis original): Moreover, the “brilliant” Meghan McCain — daughter of “Lord of the TARP” John McCain — has taken every opportunity to deride conservative women and social issues. McCain said, “I consider myself a progressive Republican. I am liberal on social issues. And I think that […]

Born That Way: The Strange Sisterhood Of Meggie Mac And San Fran Nan

— by Wombat-socho Young Miss McCain is in the news again, pouting that Newt isn’t taking her seriously. This is just common sense on the former speaker’s part. No Republican, much less conservative, with two functional brain cells regards the daughter of Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John as anything but an object for derision and mockery. […]

Romney Secures McCain Endorsement

by Smitty That’s right, Stacy’s cousin Meghan endorsed Bruce CampbellMitt Romney, as reported by the Lonely Conservative. Maggy also, apparently, chilled out in Zuccotti Park with the #OWS crowd. Ah, the Progressive pride parade. Just don’t call her Green, m’kay? She’ll think that means you’re calling her an airhead, or something. Update: linked by Nice […]

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