‘Alexa, What Is an Ideologue?’
This week’s Judiciary Committee hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson were eye-opening in a lot of ways. Sen. Marsha Blackburn — whom I’ve considered a 2024 presidential contender for a long time — managed to embarrass Jackson with a very simple question: Blackburn: “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?” Jackson: “Can I provide […]
The Problem With ‘Equality’
In the mid-1970s, in an attack on [Wilmoore] Kendall, [Harry] Jaffa published an article, “Equality as a Conservative Principle,” the very title of which served to mark him as a latter-day Jacobin in the eyes of many conservatives influenced by Edmund Burke. (“Believe me, Sir, those who attempt to level never equalise. In all […]
What ‘Intellectuals’ Believe
Elie Mystal Jr. is the son of a Haitian immigrant. His father became a politician in Suffolk County, N.Y., whose “tenure as a county lawmaker ended in 2008 after he faced charges that he lied about living in the district in 2007 and 2008, a period during which he was splitting his time between Huntington […]
Be Careful in Richmond, Please
Thousands of Second Amendment activists are assembling today at the Virginia capitol in Richmond to protest against proposed legislation that would infringe their right to “keep and bear arms.” Last week, activists noticed signs that the Left might be sending agents provocateurs to this event in an attempt to create some incident that might embarrass […]
Trump Unites Republicans
In Wednesday night’s “historic” impeachment vote — the cable news people keep repeating that word, for some reason — not a single Republican member of the House voted “yea,” whereas there were three “nay” votes in Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic caucus: Minnesota Rep. Collin C. Peterson and New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew voted against […]
Professor Demands Censorship
Thomas J. Main is a professor of Public and International Affairs at the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Baruch College. He has recently published a book entitled The Rise of the Alt-Right although, unlike me, I don’t suppose he’s ever met anyone who was “alt-right.” Professor Main’s expertise, you see, consists entirely of […]
AG William Barr Tells The Truth, and Liberals Are Losing Their Minds
Mike LaChance at Legal Insurrection: Attorney General William Barr gave a speech at the Federalist Society this weekend in which he called out Democrats and the so-called “resistance” for their constant obstruction of Trump. . . . The speech has set off a bit of a firestorm on the left and the right for […]
Let’s Take Chris Hayes Seriously
Nothing was easier than the point-and-laugh reaction over the weekend after Chris Hayes argued on MSNBC that “the weirdest thing about the Electoral College is the fact that if it wasn’t specifically in the Constitution for the presidency, it would be unconstitutional.” This bizarre tautology — “The ocean would be dry if it wasn’t […]
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