The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The ‘Red Pill’ Remains Undefeated

Late Friday the political world was shaken when MAGA influencer Ashley St. Clair revealed that last year she gave birth to Elon Musk’s 13th offspring. Quickly, I sought out Rollo Tomassi’s take on this development, which was of course highly amusing. Foreshadowing? — Rollo Tomassi (@RationalMale) February 15, 2025 Hits kinda different tonight doesn’t […]

‘Increasingly Abusive and Unstable’

  Given the recent riots, you may have forgotten Amy Cooper, who got fired from her job after an encounter in New York’s Central Park where she called 911 after a black man told her to put her dog on a leash. Now we learn that she has a history of inciting drama: A former […]

‘Blank-Slate Equalism’

“Equality as a moral or political imperative, pursued as an end in itself — Equality, with the capital ‘E’ — is the antonym of every legitimate conservative principle.” — M.E. Bradford, 1976 Readers know that I’ve recommended Rollo Tomassi’s book The Rational Male as the basic text of a “Red Pill” understanding of male-female differences, […]

More Red Pill Discourse

Returning to a theme that provoked some interesting comments yesterday (“Trouble in ‘Red Pill’ Land”), I notice that Adam Piggott has up a post entitled, “Do ugly men get laid?” And the answer, obviously, is yes they do. What Piggott points out is that many “incel” types blame their looks for their lack of success […]

Trouble in ‘Red Pill’ Land

Rollo Tomassi speaking in 2018. This past spring, I traveled to Florida for the 21 Convention, a gathering of the “Red Pill” community (a/k/a, “The Manosphere”). What especially drew me to Orlando was a desire to see first-hand the men whose movement represents hope of turning back the tide of Third Wave feminism. There is […]

Death by ‘Blue Pill’

  In January, I wrote about the case of Grant Amato (“Florida Man Kills Family After Stealing Money to Contact a Bulgarian Whore”), sarcastically making what seemed to me a rather obvious point:  If you were going to steal $200,000 for a whore, why wouldn’t you find a local whore, instead of some whore in Bulgaria you […]

The Antonym of ‘Dignity’: Guys, Never Do What Liam Hemsworth Did

  Do I want to write about Miley Cyrus again? No, like every other human being with any sense of decency, I’d prefer to ignore her existence. She is a disgrace to humanity, a noxious stain on the planet. After my Monday post (“Never Trust a Bisexual”) about how Miley had betrayed her husband Liam […]

The Red Pill Never Lies

  Rollo Tomassi has a post about how our culture increasingly encourages female promiscuity; women’s irresponsible behavior is called “empowerment,” and and men are expected to accept the consequences. In a feminine-primary social order, as Rollo calls it, male preferences are considered irrelevant at best, harmful at worst, but quite generally wrong in every case. […]

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