The Anti-American Party
Do Democrats even understand how bad this looks? Two former Obama administration officials suggested that America’s European allies should punish President Donald Trump for withdrawing from the Iran deal and levying additional sanctions on the Islamic republic. The European Union and individual European countries are obligated to take aggressive steps to preserve the Iran deal, […]
‘Our Country Is Being Stolen!’
Responding to accounts of an “army” of Central American migrants marching through Mexico toward the U.S. border, President Trump went on a Twitter rant Monday morning: Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large “Caravans” of people enter their country. They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because […]
Thank You, President Trump!
Today, my wife and went to our tax preparer’s office. Being self-employed, tax time is an annual nightmare, as I have to collect all the receipts, etc., about my expenses and income. Then we have to sit down in the office while the tax lady — a very nice lady who is quite patient […]
#TheMemo: Worse Than Watergate?
Chris Buskirk writes at American Greatness: The FISA Abuse Memo is out and now we know why the Democrats were desperate to keep its contents hidden from the public: it confirms the worst fears not just of President Trump’s supporters but of everyone concerned about the abuse of police power, government corruption, and the sanctity of our […]
75% Approval: President Trump Triumphs in His First State of the Union Speech
Even the Democrat-controlled media can’t deny it: Three in four Americans who tuned in to President Trump’s State of the Union address tonight approved of the speech he gave. Just a quarter disapproved. Eight in 10 Americans who watched tonight felt that the president was trying to unite the country, rather than divide it. […]
Trump Offers Amnesty Deal; Democrats Immediately Reject ‘Hardline’ Proposal
When the news first leaked out that President Trump was offering Democrats an immigration deal with amnesty for 1.8 million “Dreamers,” conservatives reacted with dismay, because we had once again underestimated Trump’s political genius. As Ed Driscoll has remarked, “Trump’s ability to drive his opponents round the bend is one of his best assets,” […]
Democrats in Disarray and Denial as Schumer Shutdown Exposes Weakness
Rich Lowry analyzes Sen. Schumer’s miscalculations: The press wasn’t hostile to the Democrats over the shutdown, but it wasn’t uniformly compliant, either. The Left objected to a headline on a New York Times news alert right after the shutdown vote on Friday night: “Senate Democrats blocked passage of a stopgap spending bill to keep […]
The Tyranny of Bright Normal
Why do the media hate President Trump so much? Well, to begin with, he’s a Republican, and they’re Democrat operatives with bylines. Beyond that, however, the media think of themselves as members of what Richard Florida calls “the creative class,” and Trump’s a bright normal. Readers familiar with The Bell Curve understand that cognitive […]
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