The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Trump’s Candidacy Snuffed In One Line

by Smitty (h/t Corner) Chris Rock on Donald Trump: “I won’t vote for him. I’m afraid he’ll leave us for a younger, prettier country.” And when you recall Ivana, it’s clear that no amount of stimulus projects will do. A buddy of mine chips in: “But I guess as long as he pays off our […]

Trump Is A Tea Party Favorite?

by Smitty Alan Colmes accuses Trump of being a Tea Party favorite. Usefully, Colmes points out that Trump is, at best, an opportunist. Stacy McCain’s admonition not to let opponents pick candidates for you applies. The Tea Parties never hired Trump, as far as I heard. Once the media finds the next thing as shiny […]

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