He Always Gets the Good Ones First
Last week, I got an e-mail offering me a review copy of CNBC reporter Michelle Caruso-Cabrera’s new book, You Know I’m Right: More Prosperity, Less Government. I’d planned to interview the author for a feature article, but guess who beat me to that interview?
Wall Street Drops Big-Time
The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 178 points, the worst one-day loss in three months. The debt crisis in Europe was a big driver of this decline, but investors were also troubled by signals from China. In fact, it appeared that the market was pulling back everywhere — stocks, bonds, commodities — a phenomenon that […]
Keynesianism and David Brooks
Now that the election is over, we can return to our regular blogging schedule, and Tuesday is David Brooks Fisking Day hereabouts. Interestingly, Brooks isn’t half-bad today, as he mocks the presumptions of the neo-Keynesian consensus: The economic approach embraced by the most prominent liberals over the past few years is mostly mechanical. The economy […]
EUROPE IN CRISIS: Sudden Financial Emergency Strikes EU Zone
UPDATE: Götterdämmerung?
These headlines at the Drudge Report outline evidence of increasing stress on European economies: IRELAND ON THE BRINK… …TOLD TO TAKE EU BAILOUT PORTUGAL HITS PANIC BUTTON… GREEK DEFICIT MUCH BIGGER THAN ESTIMATE… Is this it? Are we finally approaching global economic Armageddon? Give me a few minutes to sort through what this means. […]
‘As I Am Big-Busted and Like to Have Fun, Guys Are Instantly Interested in Me’
Arguably the most honest sentence in the history of the English language, although the the Englishwoman who spoke it is engaged in a deceptive practice: Enticing men into one-night stands in hopes of becoming pregnant: “All my friends have babies and I desperately want to be a mum. . . . “I’ve had a couple […]
‘Aggregate Demand,’ Again
What is it with this neo-Keynesian stuff? Back in July, Brad DeLong did his little paean to “aggregate demand.” At least DeLong is an economist. Matthew Yglesias, not so much: So if for whatever reason businessmen or politicians or media figures or anyone else feels more comfortable expressing the situation as one caused by “uncertainty” that’s […]
Kill the Rich!
Frank Rich, I mean. Three weeks ago, I spent an hour or so debunking his claim that Obama cut your taxes. Being quite proud of the result, I immediately e-mailed it to Instapundit and . . . no linky-love. So after about four or five hours, I e-mailed him again: “I don’t get it. Here we […]
Buying Gold? Caveat Emptor
On previous occasions, I’ve made the point that gold prices are going up and that, in times of uncertainty — as, for example, when the Federal Reserve is pursuing a clearly inflationary policy — gold is a good investment. (Did I mention the DJIA lost 251 points this past week?) The title of my most recent post on […]
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