The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Other McCain Sells Out

— by Wombat-socho DATELINE LAS VEGAS After a shocking early morning phone call from Stacy in which he revealed that he had sold the blog to Jeff Bezos of the Washington Post for an undisclosed amount of money “and other valuable considerations”, possibly including a minority stake in the Hagerstown Suns minor league baseball team, […]

If These United States Are Exceptional. . .

by Smitty There is a looming domestic test of American exceptionalism. Case in point, the Commerce Department: . . .how Commerce got to that 1.5 percent number is truly amazing. Of the 1.5 percent, 0.45 of a percentage point came from increased health care spending. In other words, mandatory ObamaCare payments caused about one-third of […]

How Long Can the ‘Dollar Bubble’ Last?

If you think this is the solution, you are the problem “Sooner or later, you run out of other people’s money. Something that can’t go on forever, won’t. Debt that can’t be repaid, won’t be. Promises that can’t be kept, won’t be.” — Professor Glenn Reynolds Everybody who knows anything about economics — that is […]

Federal Bureaucracy: Doomsday Machine

by Smitty Echoing VodkaPundit’s rejection of Star Wars (I have never esteemed it above mildly entertaining space opera, myself) we’re going reaching back to Denny Crane’s old show for a metaphor to mock Politico’s risible title: “Southern governors secede from Medicaid” Wow, what an absurd headline. Really shameful. — Lachlan Markay (@LachlanMarkay) July 11, […]

Senator Coburn’s ‘Debt Elimination Ordnance (DOE)’ Adventure

by Smitty Now and then it’s healthy to step outside of Obama’s ‘Real World’. To breath some fresh air. To ponder existence beyond the orbit of the Obamas, Kimberlins, and #Occupy hippies. The Left’s controlling 1% makes for a long, strange, dangerous trip. One of the handful of political leaders worth two hoots today is […]

Want America To Fail? Heed Van Jones

by Smitty An excellent video from Free Market America (a project of Americans for Limited Government). This is of Bill Whittle caliber:About the only turn left un-stoned here is the point that the Federal Reserve has been the source of $ to support the entire politics of failure. Moving from reality to the surreal, Hot […]

Santelli To Liesman: You Can’t Drink Yourself To Sobriety

by Smitty The title is a summary of Santelli’s point here: Santelli points out that there is no way to keep Zimbabwe Ben from quaffing away at his bottle of Jethro’s 120 Proof Market Fixer-Upper And Hinge Lubricant. Liesman asks, metaphorically, what else Zimbabwe Ben should drink, and Santelli repeats that the market is going […]

Check Your Water Wings

by Smitty The National Debt Road Trip is about to get underway, in the nautical sense: Update: linked at

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