Democrats: No More Heterosexuals!
Longtime readers may remember Dr. Marcie Bianco. Three years ago, the Harvard-educated lesbian professor inspired me to write this: Two traits are necessary to become a successful feminist: 1.Hate; and 2. Dishonesty. So long as a woman (a) despises men and (b) is willing to tell shameless lies in support of feminism’s anti-male agenda, […]
Feminism Makes You Fat
Looking back at photos and films of the Woodstock concert 50 years ago, a New York Times writer remarks how rare it was to spot a fat person in that vast crowd of hippies: In 1969, Americans were, it would appear, much thinner — men and women equally. (That guy picking his way through the […]
Her Superhero Name Was ‘Whorella’
“The fact is the ‘respectable girl from a nice family in Connecticut’ ship has already sailed.” — Ella Dawson, July 2014 Longtime readers will remember Ella Dawson, the 2014 alumna of elite Wesleyan University ($70,704 a year, including room and board) who made her name a synonym for herpes and got a personal fan letter […]
Aziz Ansari ‘More Thoughtful’ Now (But It’s Still Not Safe to Date Abby Nierman)
Aziz Ansari (left) and his accuser Abby Nierman (right). In January 2018, after an account of a young woman’s bad date with comedian Aziz Ansari went viral, I immediately recognized that “Grace” (as the article called her) did not deserve anonymity. She was not the victim of a crime, and if Ansari’s treatment of her […]
‘Gender Equality,’ World Cup Edition
Nearly as soon as the women’s World Cup ended, public interest evaporated, because almost nobody really cares about women’s sports and Americans don’t much like soccer. Every four years, during the Olympics, there is a temporary burst of interest in the women’s gymnastics team and a few other gold-medal hopefuls, but once that quadrennial […]
Missing College Girl Mackenzie Lueck Was a Social-Media ‘Sugar Baby’ Whore
Mackenzie Lueck displaying her YOLO attitude on Instagram. Every so often, the Case of the Missing Blonde becomes a national media sensation. This is predictable — the public has an insatiable appetite for these damsel-in-distress stories — and nine times out of 10, the story ends with police finding her body and then the public […]
Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead: The Broke Wokeness of Anita Sarkeesian
Remember when the name “Anita Sarkeesian” was influential? When the feminist commissar was named to Twitter’s “Trust and Safety Council”? The anti-male hatemonger rose to fame from 2012 to 2016 by demonizing men in the videogame industry and claiming to be a victim of sexist harassment. In 2014, the year of the #GamerGate controversy, […]
Why P&G Has Gone SJW
Carl Benjamin calls attention to a recent article featuring an interview with Carolyn Tastad, president of the North American division of Procter & Gamble, and the executive responsible for the series of “woke” ads by Gillette. These ads have demonized men for “toxic masculinity,” celebrated female obesity and promoted transgenderism. What happened to, y’know, […]
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