The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Secret of Liberal ‘Success’

Readers will please excuse last week’s paucity of blog content, as I’ve gotten sucked into The Dreaded Research Vortex again, and at some point you have to commit to 48 hours’ worth of ideological spelunking in a 72-hour span. Add in a few hassles in so-called “real life,” including a trip to the Veteran’s Administration […]

Party-Line Impeachment Vote

  Robespierre (D-California) and her Jacobins vote to build a guillotine: Democrats rammed a package of ground rules for their impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump through a sharply divided House Thursday, the chamber’s first formal vote in a fight that could stretch into the 2020 election year. The vote was 232-196, with all Republicans […]

BREAKING: Suspected ‘Whistleblower’ Met With DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa

My brother Kirby alerted me to this breaking story: For a town that leaks like a sieve, Washington has done an astonishingly effective job keeping from the American public the name of the anonymous “whistleblower” who triggered impeachment proceedings against President Trump — even though his identity is an open secret inside the Beltway. More […]

#UkraineGate: The CrowdStrike Angle

Fascinating article by George Parry: In his telephone conversation with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky, President Trump requested Ukraine’s help in getting “to the bottom of” the Russian collusion narrative and the role of CrowdStrike, a private computer security company, in propagating that story. Lost in the volcanic eruption of faux outrage and condemnation aimed at […]

BREAKING: Giuliani Ukrainian Associates Charged in Campaign Finance Case

The Wall Street Journal story is behind a paywall, so I’ll have to give the report to you from NBC News: Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, two foreign-born donors who gave money to a political action committee supporting President Donald Trump, were arrested Wednesday night and face charges tied to campaign-finance violations, two law enforcement […]

Ukraine Official Says Joe Biden Got Paid $900,000 to Lobby for Burisma

  Reported by Cristina Laila at Gateway Pundit: Former Vice President Joe Biden was personally paid $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, according to Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach. Derkach publicized the documents at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency Wednesday as he said the records, “describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr.” “This […]

‘Chuck Todd Is a Disgrace’

  During an interview Sunday on Meet the Press, NBC’s Chuck Todd interrupted Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, accusing Johnson of promoting “Fox News conspiracy propaganda stuff.” What Johnson had been trying to explain, of course, was how the investigation of Ukraine-connected corruption is related to the origin of the “Russian collusion” hoax the […]

Our ‘Objective’ Media

  Is it necessary to remind readers that George Stephanopoulos is a partisan political operative, a former Clinton staffer? On Sunday’s broadcast of “This Week,” host George Stephanopoulos opened his show with a report proclaiming a second “whistleblower.” Stephanopoulos said, “Good morning. Welcome to ‘This Week,’ a week of head-snapping developments. The first key witness […]

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