The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The View Out My Window

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. No, I’m not going the Sully route, and I’m too lazy to upload a photo, but the view out my window tonight is beautiful. It’s a clear night, about 70 degrees outside, and the lights of Los Angeles stretch off in the distance as far as the eye can see. Tuesday night, I crashed […]

The Apocalypse of Culture: People Spend $1 Billion to See Sucky 3-D SciFi Movie

No need to wonder what morons did with their stimulus checks.  Two words: Avatar tickets. When “Avatar” opened, its solid but far from stellar results left 20th Century Fox uncertain about whether the $430 million that it and two financing partners had invested to produce and market the 3-D film would pay off. Less than three weeks […]

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