The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Substack About Nothing

Finally decided to try my hand at it: A few months ago there was a lot of noise about an alleged Nazi problem on Substack. Certainly it is not the case Substack is pro-Nazi, but they are anti-censorship, and this distinction was apparently impossible for some self-described “progressives” to comprehend: “Substack’s leaders … proudly disdain the content-moderation […]

Covering the Big Issues

Both of them: War in the Middle East, surging inflation, the Republican Speaker of the House clinging to a one-vote majority, a presidential election campaign stumbling toward what is certain to be a photo-finish conclusion, with one candidate doddering in senility and the other being hounded in courtrooms by witch-hunt persecutors — these are but […]

It’s ‘Protester,’ NOT ‘Protestor,’ Dammit!

Why do you do this to me, Babylon Bee? For more than 20 years, going back to when I was an assistant national editor at The Washington Times, this has been one of my pet peeves. There is no such thing as a “protestor.” The correct word is protester. I can explain very clearly why […]

‘News’ in the Post-Literate Age

Sitting here with my office TV tuned to CNN — I watch CNN, so you don’t have to — I’m struck by the arrogance of their assumption that they get to decide what is and is not newsworthy, as if their audience had no other source of information about what’s going on in the world, […]

What Part of ‘Learn to Code’ Do We Need to Explain to Laid-Off Journalists?

Does she look particularly Hispanic to you? I say this as someone with a Hispanic son-in-law and daughter-in-law, both of whom are wonderful people from families that are at least as affluent as my own. The notion that every person of Hispanic ancestry is a victim of racist oppression — mired in poverty, “living in […]

Thank You for the Orgasmic Pleasure

Did I just wake up from dreaming of a three-way with Sydney Sweeney and Olivia Dunne, or is Taylor Lorenz complaining about the downfall of establishment journalism? It makes no difference. Either way, I’m experiencing a pleasant surge of endorphins in my bloodstream. Permit me to share a few excerpts: “[The] journalism industry is basically […]

Priorities: Plastic Straws or Fentanyl?

Did you know that the idea of banning plastic straws was inspired by a nine-year-old boy’s science project? After reading that startling fact, I found myself going down a research rabbit-hole, during which I discovered that in 2018, Seattle became “the first major U.S. city to ban single-use plastic straws and utensils in food service.” […]

‘Tunnel Girl’ Update: Why KiwiFarms Is Better Than Mainstream Journalism

In my previous post, I expressed dismay that KiwiFarms didn’t have a “lolcow” thread about “Kala,” the TikTok personality who is digging an (apparently illegal) tunnel under “her” Northern Virginia home. Now I must apologize to the KF crew, after a commenter pointed out that there was such a thread, which I hadn’t found because […]

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