The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nugent Sticking To His Guns

by Smitty Newsmax: Second-Amendment champion and rocker Ted Nugent expressed outrage at the shootings outside New York’s iconic Empire State Building on Friday, but pointed to the tragedy as a failure of gun control. Money quote: “Everybody dead in Aurora was unarmed and helpless. Everybody dead in Milwaukee was unarmed and helpless. Everyone dead at […]

‘Community Relations,’ IYKWIMAITYD

New York legislator Naomi Rivera is the daughter of a corrupt Bronx Democrat machine politician. She also has a boyfriend named Tommy Torres whom she put on her payroll — and on her secret Facebook page, as Candice Giove of the New York Post reports: Dozens of photos on Daniela’s page show Rivera with her […]

Baldwin Bird-Dogging Bloomberg?

by Smitty Noted Barack Obama sycophant Alec Baldwin has been the victim of rumor-mongering by his brother Billy concerning a possible NYC mayoral candidacy. We’d like to take a moment to peek into a future speech, wherein Alec and his possible SuperPAC, Future American Guidance, take the helm of the Rotten Apple: By following the […]

#BloombergMovieTitles (Last) Straw Wars

by Smitty Because nothing says ‘the Mayor is a soup nazi‘ quite like having the jackwagon decide the size of your drink. Me, I nearly died from White Castle. I guess that edict will come next week. Update: get you a 16 oz. shot of Ace’s finest. Update II: So that’s how you do it! […]

Among The More Stunning Ironies Of Modern Public Discourse

by Smitty Newsalert quotes the NYT: The wealthiest 1 percent of New York City residents took in nearly one-third of the personal income in the city in 2009 — almost double the comparable proportion nationwide, a new study shows. In a report scheduled to be released Monday, the city comptroller’s office found that large percentages […]

Occupy Wall Street Leader Says NYPD Was Sending Rapists to Zuccotti Park

Aleister at American Glob calls this: “Best. Hannity. Interview. Ever.” Watch the latest video at This punk is the strongest argument I’ve seen in favor of police brutality.

NYC Investigators Raid Fox News ‘Mole’

For some reason, I never got around to blogging about Joe Muto, who was earning $60,000 a year as an associate producer for “The O’Reilly Factor” when he agreed — for the reported sum of $5,000 — to become a “mole” inside Fox News for Nick Denton’s Gawker blog. Among other things, Muto described the […]

Gingrich Gets Stomped by 30 Points in Delaware; Fourth in Pennsylvania

As predicted, the talk of Newt Gingrich winning Delaware turned out to have been delusional: Mitt Romney got 57% to Gingrich’s 27% in the state where Newt had campaigned heavily in recent weeks. We have known since April 8 that Gingrich’s campaign was more than $4 million in debt. By continuing his campaign another 16 […]

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