The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Princess Pelosi Gets Her MS14H On

by Smitty We’re talking full-on, industrial manure spreaders here, folks. She features: Easy chain access Hydraulic endgate Heavy-duty tires Piggy-back cylinders Crucially, what Princess Pelosi brings is a nearly Bagdad Bob level of intensity to her prevarication. To paraphrase Jean-Pierre McGarrigle “In an age of spin, Princess Pelosi offers feeling and authenticity. Her message is […]

Obama Is the Subject of the Sentence

You may be old enough to remember the ABC cartoon series, Schoolhouse Rock, one episode of which was “The Tale of Mister Morton“: Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence and what the predicate says, he does. One of the tricks of media bias is to confuse readers and viewers about who is the […]

The Endless Debacle of ObamaCare

Old ObamaCare: "We have to pass it so you know what's in it." New ObamaCare: "Never mind. Executive orders. Asterisks. Whatever." — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 14, 2013 No one can remember a policy disaster quite like this. Every day brings multiple new bad-news headlines. We could compare the sudden and seemingly permanent debacle […]

Shorter Obama: ‘It Sucks to Be Me’

It’s an endless tsunami of political pain for Obama nowadays. When your signature issue goes sideways, there’s really nowhere to hide when you’re the Leader of the Free World. Has anyone else noted the irony that ObamaCare now is basically “Bush’s War” circa 2006? Everyone is now realizing that this massive failure is an electoral […]

ObamaCare: Death Panels for the DCCC

Democrat 2014 campaign slogan: "Now That We Totally Fucked Up Your Health Insurance, Give Us a Chance to Fuck Up Everything Else, Too." — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 14, 2013 Oh, what a difference a week can make! After the unfortunate result in the Virginia gubernatorial election, liberal pundits (and some Republicans) were declaring […]

Nov. 13: ObamaCare Failure Day

Historians should mark this day on their calendars as the point at which the failure became obviously irretrievable. Troubled unlikely to work fully by end of November — Washington Post White House officials get earful from Democrats on Obamacare — CNN Obamacare is in much more trouble than it was one week ago — […]

ObamaCare Lie = ‘Incorrect Promise’

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) “I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the […]

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Team Exposes Fraud of ObamaCare ‘Navigators’

John Fund at National Review: James O’Keefe, the guerrilla videographer who helped bring down ACORN (the “community organizing” group that Barack Obama worked for as a lawyer and trainer) and got NPR’s president fired, is back. This time, his undercover investigators focused on Obamacare’s “navigators,” the nearly 50,000 people who, in the words of the […]

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