The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sean Bielat Trifecta

by Smitty Sean continues to rock MA-4, with this new TV spot: and also with this debate with Joe Kennedy III in two installments: finally: Even the Boston Globe figures Joe Kennedy III is phoning it in just a tad too much. Sean Bielat for Congress, MA-4? Sorry, Joe: BHO used up this century’s No-Talent […]

MA-4: Has Obama Taught Us About Electing Buffoons? NO To Joe Kennedy III, YES To Sean Bielat

by Smitty Via Not Another Kennedy: Sean Bielat, despite his impressive 2010 showing that drove the odious Barney Frank into retirement, faces an uphill battle this November to represent MA-4. Lesser Americans might melt; Marines thrive on the challenge. In stark contrast to Sean’s leadership and managerial skills, Little Joe brings. . .name recognition. Also, […]

Sean Bielat: On A MA-4 Mission

by Smitty Sean Bielat is running for the Republican nomination for Congress for the 4th District in Massachusetts and will be running against Joe Kennedy III, who, other than looking like he fell out of an LL Bean catalog, has precious little to recommend him. Bielat ran an insurgent campaign in 2010 against the risible […]

Little Joe In Big Trouble?

by Smitty It’s not over until it’s over, but the fact that the Boston Herald is even floating this kind of question would seem to indicate that Sean Beilat is putting the polling hurt on Joe Kennedy: The marquee name isn’t doing much better for Joe K. than the faux Native American heritage is for […]

Blog Favorite Sean Bielat Rocking MA-4

by Smitty Stacy forwarded this tidbit about Tea Party favorite Sean Bielat: Another important milestone was reached on April 11th, when the campaign officially collected enough petition signatures to qualify Sean for the ballot. Sean personally submitted the signatures to the Elections Division at the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s offices in Boston yesterday, almost two […]

MA-4 Blogger Call With Sean Bielat

by Smitty How do you not support a candidate with a battleship on his masthead, I ask you? I took notes, and kibitzed way too much for somebody not even in Massachusetts. The following is an unofficial, qualitative account of the call. I took the liberty of re-arranging the Q&A sequence for better flow. Sean […]

‘. . .He Leaves Very Big Shoes To Fill,’ Kennedy Said

by Smitty So says Joe Kennedy III in a campaign video, opting to run for the seat vacated by the unlamented Barney Frank. It may be that the Kennedy brand has recovered from the passing of Ted. According to the Boston Herald: The UMass Lowell/Herald poll — the first to test the younger Kennedy’s appeal […]

Barney Frank’s ‘Groundhog Day’ Sneer Inspires Sean Bielat Fund-Raising Pitch

A derogatory comment by Rep. Barney Frank has been turned against him in a fund-raising e-mail from Republican Sean Bielat, who is running for the seat vacated by the Massachusetts Democrat’s retirement. Frank used a Facebook posting to accuse Bielat, a Marine veteran and businessman, of moving to Massachusetts specifically to seek his 4th District […]

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