‘Something Unseemly’
Matthew Yglesias: There’s something unseemly about seeing fellow Jews turn into rightwingers. The mind boggles at this kind of statement. How do you even begin to address the universe of idiocy crammed into those 10 words, with infinite density like the pre-Big Bang singularity? After being spanked by National Review‘s Kevin Williamson, Yglesias . . . uh, clarifies: […]
The Progressive Legacy of Bill Ayers: Sloppy Seconds for Social Justice
Van Helsing calls attention to a little-noted clause in the ’60s peace-and-love agenda: “Do it with my roommate, or you’re a racist!” It was at the Undergraduate Library at the University of Michigan on a Friday night in November 1965. I was a sophomore and was living in a sorority house — Alpha Epsilon Phi. . . […]
Scott Adams Reveals
The Essence Of Progressivism
by Smitty Who owns the definitions, indeed, owns much: The flip side of this coin is that when the audience isn’t buying your Bacon Sandwich, the lack of factual backup can make things challenging.
‘The Power To Tax Is The Power To Destroy’
by Smitty (via Insty) Kansas City.com quotes Prof. Reynolds: Everyone should pay at least some income tax. And everyone’s tax bill should go up or down whenever federal spending does. KC.com then asks: Is there a way to more closely align politicians’ incentives with the nation’s long-term financial interest? It’s a lot tougher than it […]
Romney Could Emerge Smelling Of Roses
by Smitty Let Freedom Ring is deeply skeptical of RomneyCare. As I’ve tried to expound before, a radically Federalist tack could be good for both Romney in particular and Conservatives in general. Here is the rub: if you argue a libertarian hand at the Federal level, keeping to the 10th Amendment and re-constituting the States […]
Nancy And The Nancy
by Smitty In response to the exit question on Sunday’s post, the wonderful Sheer Politics provides clarification. Via Insty, a question from Kaus: Who’s the guy assigned to keep Obama’s ego in check? … Tip: Start by reminding Obama that he won the vote in part by leveraging his weakness–pleading with Democratic Congressmen to save […]
On The Value Of Flogging Senator McCain
by Smitty This is not a defense of the gentleman, fellow IFNAG (Idiot Frickin’ Naval Academy Graduate) though he may be. In seeing the country’s arc as sinusoidal, I’m not sure that we’d have been better in the long run with a JSM administration. It’s all counter-factual now, but I submit that with a President […]
Heading Down To The FreedomWorks Protest On The Mall Today
by Smitty I’m about to head down to take in at least the first couple of hours of the FreedomWorks protest. As is customary, I’ll be sporting my USS Constitution ballcap and a bow tie, which is absolutely not an expression of Tucker Carlson-ism. It’s also worth pointing out that Grandpa John’s vision of me, […]
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