The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Notes From A Dream In Which I Was An Idiot

by Smitty Halifax, Nova Scotia could need to rebuild the whole waterfront, if a new study floating the possibility of a 2 1/3 foot rise in ocean levels pans out. The really dreamy part was how the ocean picked up all the swelling in Eastern Canada only, while the rest of Mother Earth wobbled about […]

Organizing For America Sent Me a Fundraising E-Mail

There is no problem that liberals can’t solve. Just send OFA more of your money! Robert — Yesterday’s disappointing election results show deep discontent with the pace of change. I know the OFA community and the President share that frustration. We also saw what we knew to be true all along: Any change worth making […]

The Nebulous Alan Colmes

I think that Alan Colmes implicitely raises one of the greatest questions a society can ask of itself: what information is passed from one generation to another?

In a mature nation, President Obama could go on TV and say, “Listen, we’re doing the best we can, but some terrorists are bound to get through.” But this is apparently a country that must be spoken to in childish ways.

And can you give one example of this nebulous “mature nation” of yours? How is this “maturity” measured, and maintained? The implication seems to be that maturity==indifference.

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