The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Everything Is Now ‘White Supremacist’

  Ever since President Trump was elected, leftists have been pointing fingers at everyone and everything, screaming “white supremacist”! It’s not just Republicans (“Fascists!”) and Trump (“Hitler!”) who have been targeted by this campaign of screeching hysteria. In their paranoid dementia, leftists now see “white supremacy” everywhere, as if they are surrounded by a continuous […]

Dear Democrats: Please Nominate the Notorious Gaffe Machine Joe Biden

  Honestly, I don’t want to drag Joe Biden over this one, but since we’re all living through the Great Wokeness Witch-Hunt of 2019, why shouldn’t the Democrat front-runner pay his pound of flesh? Several Democratic presidential candidates sharply criticized Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Wednesday for invoking two Southern segregationist senators by name as […]

Maximum Punitive Damages: Jury Rains Fire and Brimstone on Oberlin College

Oberlin Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo (photo by Bob Perkoski). Iran attacked oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, which might lead to war, but that’s trivial compared to the big news from Ohio today: The jury just rendered its verdict on punitive damages in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case. Daniel McGraw, our […]

WOW! Ohio Jury Delivers $11 Million Verdict Against Oberlin College

In November 2016, Jonathan Aladin, a black student at Oberlin College, was caught shoplifting at Gibson’s Bakery near the campus of the elite private school, and two other black Oberlin students, Endia Lawrence and Cecelia Whettstone, were charged with attacking one of the bakery owners who tried to apprehend the thief. Activists with the #BlackLivesMatter […]

A Hate Crime in Tennessee

  Bailey Cantrell is a lesbian. L-E-S-B-I-A-N In case you don’t know what that word means, it is a synonym for “no.” If you are a guy trying to pick up girls, and a girl tells you she is a lesbian, that is the most emphatic “no” possible, as I have explained previously. Common courtesy […]

NYC Schools Face Lawsuit Charging Discrimination Against Whites

The New York Post reports: Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza’s crusade against “toxic” whiteness at the city Department of Education created an “Us vs. Them’’ culture that saw three longtime officials demoted in favor of less-qualified persons of color, a blockbuster $90 million lawsuit claims. “If you draw a paycheck from DOE … get on board […]

Know-Nothings, Old and New

Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Banks. Let’s revisit some relevant history: “Immigration during the first five years of the 1850s reached a level five times greater than a decade earlier. Most of the new arrivals were poor Catholic peasants or laborers from Ireland and Germany who crowded into the tenements of large cities. Crime and welfare costs […]

Isn’t She Adorable?

  My buddy Benny Johnson, who I’ve known since 2007, posted this photo of himself with Candace Owens at Reagan National Airport. According to Benny, he was running to catch a flight when he bumped into Owens, fresh from her recent congressional testimony, wearing a MAGA hat and carrying “a sizable amount of Chic-fil-A.” When […]

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