The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

An Omen of the ‘Mystifying Oracle’?

“One time I was with Cara, Chloe, Anne, and Ellie, and we were messing around with a Ouija board.” The blogger at “Please Excuse My Vagina: My life as a teenage feminist” will probably notice the trackback, and to her this should be a warning — as it should be to anyone tempted to try […]

The Devil in Oklahoma: Satanic Ritual Promoted by Registered Sex Offender

Headline at the Daily Caller: What Did Oklahoma Do To Incur The Wrath Of Satan And His Minions? The news is bizarre: The Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall will be the site of a Black Mass event in September, sponsored by the “Dakhma of Angra Mainyu,” a satanic cult led by Adam Daniel. In an e-mail […]

Obama’s Jihad-Loving DHS Adviser

Add @MohamedElibiary to the list of Obama administration scandals that the Democrat-Media Complex expect us to ignore. Ace of Spades was all over this story last night: “By the way, this ‘senior fellow’ at DHS is a Muslim Brotherhood booster. He called Mohammad Morsi, the now-deposed Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Egypt’s Nelson Mandela.” But […]

BOOM! WaPo’s Dana @Milbank ‘Is Why People Loathe Journalists’

So says Mollie Hemingway (@mzhemingway), reacting to the columnist’s deliberate distortion of a Heritage Foundation event: This, my friends, is why people loathe journalists. They twist and turn and play gotcha games. Also, they make stuff up. A good editor in my past told me that he was always suspicious of reporters who rely on breaking […]

Al-Qaeda on the Offensive in Iraq

This was entirely predictable: Insurgents seized control early Tuesday of most of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, including the provincial government headquarters, offering a powerful demonstration of the mounting threat posed by extremists to Iraq’s teetering stability. Fighters with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an al-Qaeda offshoot, overran the entire western […]

High School ‘Death Cult’: Parents Claim Daughters Were Targeted by ‘Coven’

The federal lawsuit Doe v. Mastoloni, et al., demands a jury trial, which would be the biggest thing since the Salem Witch Trials: A couple have claimed that their three daughters were indoctrinated into a religious cult by their school teachers leaving them with suicidal thoughts and alienated from their loving family, according to a […]

Today’s Ray Of Hope: Harvard Gets A Clue

— Wombat-socho “Despair is a sin.” – J.E.Pournelle This should actually have gone up yesterday, but I spent most of the day waiting for my truck to be worked on and am not much interested in trying to make posts from my cellphone, bolshy great phablet that it is. It’s actually better for having waited […]

Boko Haram and the Jihad in Africa

The #BringBackOurGirls Twitter hashtag — online activism about the plight of girls abducted by Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria — has been embraced by numerous celebrities, including Alyssa Milano. This situation has gained worldwide attention and highlights a reality that American media have in recent years deliberately ignored: The persistent menace of violent Islamic jihad […]

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