Rule 5 Sunday: Deadpool
— compiled by Wombat-socho So I finally got around to seeing the much-anticipated, er, superhero movie this afternoon, and it was everything the trailers promised AND MORE. Hilarious. Ultra-violent. Touching. Brutal – it was all these things, and unlike previous Marvel comic-book movies, it was not one to take your children to. In fact, I’m […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Time Begins on Opening Day
— compiled by Wombat-socho Because everything gets prostituted for the benefit of the networks these days, baseball’s Opening Day has actually been stretched out over two days: tonight and tomorrow. Since I’m finally in a place of my own again, I’ve spent some of my wages from the tax mines on a new TV and […]
Rule 5 Tuesday: All Easter Sweets 75% Off
— compiled by Wombat-socho Better late than never, eh? As usual, many of the following links are to pics of attractive women attractively (un)dressed. Since these are generally considered NSFW, the management is not responsible for any problems caused by your failure to exercise discretion. This week’s appetizer is from one of the classic Brown […]
Rule 5 Sunday: St. Patrick’s Day Post-Mortem
— compiled by Wombat-socho St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone, and apparently here in Las Vegas it’s no big thing, which is fine with this disaffected (3/8ths) Irish Catholic, though I did wear black and tan to commemorate the occasion. This week’s appetizer is the always appropriate Kate Upton. As usual, the following links […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Looking Back, All I Did Was Look Away
— compiled by Wombat-socho Once upon a time, people used to browse for music in record stores, and part of the fun was checking out the album cover art, especially if you were a fan of the glam-rock band Roxy Music, which was noted for having attractive young ladies in attractive clothing (or not) on […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Animal Magnetism
— compiled by Wombat-socho While I was somewhat tempted to go with a classic Roxy Music cover for this week’s appetizer, I thought better of it and decided to use something a little more scientific, which is to say the cover off the Scorpions’ seventh studio album, Animal Magnetism. As usual, keep in mind that […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Disney Girls
— compiled by Wombat-socho Had a serious attack of musical nostalgia last night which caused me to buy and download (among other things) Art Garfunkel’s Breakaway, which among other sentimental tunes includes a cover of the Beach Boys’ Disney Girls. This inspired me to go looking for suitable pics, but considering the horrible fates of […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Rally ‘Round The Banner, The Banner Purple And Green
— compiled by Wombat-socho It’s amusing that among the other crimes against “social justice” Stacy might be accused of by Twitter’s Committee of Public Safety is his support of #GamerGate, though in plain fact if he’s concerned with it at all, it’s as just another example of how utterly deranged feminists like Sarkeesian and Quinn […]
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