Rule 5 Sunday: Rebel Girls
— compiled by Wombat-socho I don’t know about colleges in your neck of the woods, but the University of Nevada Las Vegas is having its Welcome Day this Friday, so it seems only fitting that this week’s appetizer focuses on the Rebel Girls, the UNLV cheerleading squad. As usual, the links that follow are often […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Good Witches
— compiled by Wombat-socho Stacy has been writing about the deranged feminazi witches infesting academia and Tumblr, so it seems only logical that our appetizer this week should be an unquestionably Good witch, Samantha Stephens from the TV series Bewitched, played by the late Elizabeth Montgomery. As usual, I remind readers that many of the […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Moe Windows Mascots? Yes, Please!
— compiled by Wombat-socho The Japanese penchant for making cute anthropomorphic mascots for all manner of inanimate objects* inevitably came to be applied to computer operating systems. Microsoft Windows, with its plethora of variations over the years starting with 3.1, has inspired an entire family of “OS-tans” in cartoon form, some of which have actually […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Fightin’ Words
— compiled by Wombat-socho Almost tempted to put this off until tomorrow night after spending a good part of the day squashing white supremacist trolls in the comments, but there’s no reason to penalize the innocent along with the guilty. This week’s appetizer is UFC womens’ bantamweight champ Ronda Rousey, who stirred up some controversy […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Insert Clever Title Here
— compiled by Wombat-socho Feeling kinda fried this Sunday afternoon after overdoing it last night at the buffet. Usual reader advice applies. Loose Endz kicks off this week’s Rule 5 roundup with Comic Con Cosplay Goodness, followed by Goodstuff who invites us to explore heavenly bodies with Stephanie Arias. Also, Marilyn Monroe! Randy’s Roundtable checks […]
Rule 5 Sunday: The Persistence of the Bunny
— compiled by Wombat-socho It’s actually a tad cool in Las Vegas as I write this, which is to say it hasn’t reached 100. Still, the streets and casinos are amply supplied with tourists and locals appropriately dressed for the weather, which is another reason to be glad I moved here. Of course, some of […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Independence Day Weekend Edition
— compiled by Wombat-socho Another Fourth of July weekend has come and gone, and dog owners across America breathe a sigh of relief that their critters won’t have to be doped up to get through the night. Unless, of course, the neighbors have a few M-80s left over from last night…anyway, this is the time […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Force It
— compiled by Wombat-socho I was going to name this week’s post after the classic rock tune by UFO, Only You Can Rock Me, but I was pretty sure I’d done that already. Besides, why not throw more gasoline on the Fake Rape Epidemic fire with a deliberately ambiguous work by the same band? As […]
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