The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Late Night Reprise With Rule 5

— compiled by Wombat-socho No appetizer this week; the hour is late and I need to get this done so I can rise early in the morning and continue working on the Great Move West. As usual, many of the following links contain links to pics of scantily clad women which may or may not […]

Late Night With Rule 5 Monday

— compiled by Wombat-socho Better late than never…apologies for the lateness, but it was a busy weekend. As an appetizer, veteran and former Playboy Playmate Michelle Manhart, who made the news this week when she interrupted some flag-desecrating morons by stealing their flag, and got arrested for her pains. As usual, readers are warned that […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Not Long Before The End

— compiled by Wombat-socho I was off blowing stuff up in Ingress tonight after my stint in the tax mines to relieve my stress and get a little exercise, so I’m going to reverse the normal order of things and do Rule Five Sunday first this weekend. The FMJRA will probably happen tomorrow, maybe in […]

Rule 5 Monday: Easter Weekend Double-Dip Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho After a fifteen-day delay imposed by a visit to family and friends in Minnesota (the weather was actually better than it was in DC) and illness contracted on the return flight, here’s your double scoop of Rule 5 for Easter Monday. To introduce our lineup of links, here’s the appropriately endowed […]

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday

— compiled by Wombat-socho I was discussing SF with a friend of mine tonight, and we both agreed that the main problem with Charles Stross’ Laundry novels (wherein MI-6 meets the Great Old Ones) is that there’s too much bizarre and disgusting sex (see Equoid) and not enough sex involving Bob’s rather deadly, musically inclined […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Congratulations, Miss Palin!

— compiled by Wombat-socho I haven’t seen WeSmirch in a couple of weeks, but the explosion of happiness on Facebook over the impending nuptials of Sergeant Dakota Meyer, USMC, and Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol has been hard to miss. I wish them a long and happy marriage. As usual, this post contains links to pictures […]

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Spring Thaw?

— compiled by Wombat-socho The weather here in the Washington area was a (relatively) balmy 52 this afternoon, and is supposed to remain decently warm for the rest of the week, which means we’ll soon start seeing attractive women outdoors wearing short jackets instead of coats that look closely related to comforters or air mattresses. […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Post-CPAC/Blogbash Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho We sometimes regret things not done as much as things done, and one of the things not done this past week was using up my phone’s battery taking pics of all the lovely young ladies in attendance at CPAC – and especially BlogBash – this weekend. Short skirts and high heels […]

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