The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Holy Crap — I Was Right! Republicans Considered Craziness Issue With Judd

Headline on the very first news article I wrote for ViralRead after becoming editor-in-chief on March 13: Will Ashley Judd’s Mental Illness Impact Her Senate Bid? Top of Memeorandum today, David Corn, Mother Jones: Secret Tape: McConnell and Aides Weighed Using Judd’s Mental Health and Religion as Political Ammo Certainly my news report about Ashley Judd’s admitted history […]

‘The Dream Is Dead’

Ashley Judd (D-Puffy Face) So declares Ace of Spades, and connoisseurs of fine sarcasm must join Ace in mourning this tragic news: The much-rumored 2014 campaign by film star Ashley Judd for the Kentucky seat of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will not happen. No more Puffy Face to mock? No months of endless lunacy as […]

Truth in Humor: Ashley Judd Edition

Ashley Judd (D-Scotland) “If and when Judd actually tosses her hat into the ring, the race would automatically become the marquee political story of 2014.” — Alan Schroeder, Huffington Post One of the important things about appreciating sarcasm is that it helps to understand intent: What is being mocked, and why? Otherwise, the cruel jests may seem […]

The Unstoppable Progressive Juggernaut of Future Kentucky Senator Puffy Face

Barren middle-aged actress Ashley Judd hates babies Fox News headline: Source: Ashley Judd moving forward with run for Mitch McConnell’s Senate seat in Kentucky Could this possibly happen? Could someone this far left possibly win in Kentucky? I dunno.  Ace of Spades headline: Puffy Faced Woman Who Hates Coal and Childbirth to Run for Senate In Kentucky […]

By Any Means Necessary

The important thing to understand about the Democrat Party is that they have no moral or philosophical principles of any kind. The Democrat Party is about power for its own sake, and everything that Democrats claim to stand for is negotiable, subject to change if necessary to win elections. For example, if racism will win election […]

Never Forget: Joe McCarthy Was Right!

Senator Joseph McCarthy, a courageous and patriotic American. “Senator Cruz’s substantive point was absolutely correct: in the mid-1990s, the Harvard Law School faculty included numerous self-described proponents of ‘critical legal studies’ — a school of thought explicitly derived from Marxism – and they far outnumbered Republicans.” — Catherine Frazier, spokeswoman for Sen. Ted Cruz Democrats […]

Ed Markey’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Moment?

Washington Free Beacon: Rep. Ed Markey (D., Mass.), who is running to replace recently appointed Secretary of State John Kerry in the Senate, compared the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision to the 1858 decision to uphold slavery, according to BuzzFeed. Markey made reference to the Koch brothers and Karl Rove spending undisclosed amounts of money […]

Tehran Supports Chuck Hagel, and Nobody Really Seems to Care

This ought to be shocking:  Hooshang Amirahmadi, who led Rutgers’ Center for Middle Eastern Studies when Hagel came to campus, is the founder and president of the American-Iranian Council. He arranged for Hagel’s speech on March 2, 2007, the faculty source told The Daily Caller. The connection between Obama’s choice for Secretary of Defense and […]

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