The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Florida: Adam Hasner for Senate

In next year’s GOP primary to take on vulnerable Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson, conservatives are rallying behind Adam Hasner as the best hope of avoiding the RINO George Lemieux, who has described himself as a “Charlie Crist Republican“: With several contenders for the Republican nomination, it’s important to unite conservatives behind one candidate to prevent […]

Please Remind Me: Why Was It So Important to Elect Scott Brown?

You guys remember how fired up conservatives were in January 2010, right? I’ve been scratching my head lately: Senate Democrats forced a vote Wednesday on the controversial fiscal plan drafted by House Budget chief Paul Ryan, splitting the Republican caucus . . . Moderate Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine were joined by Sen. Scott Brown […]

Wisconsin Senate Seat Open for 2012 as Democrat Kohl Announces Retirement

This is very bad news for Democrats: U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl said he would not seek re-election next fall, believing it’s better to “leave a job a little too early than a little too late.” Kohl, 76, said it is time to give someone else the opportunity to serve in the seat he has held […]

Ensign to Strike His Flag?

by Smitty (h/t The Virginians Daily) Per The Hill: Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) announced Thursday he will resign his seat effective May 3. “It is with tremendous sadness that I officially hand over the Senate seat that I have held for eleven years,” he said in a statement. “The turbulence of these last few years […]

The Ryan Budget

I’m tempted to call it “The Savage Young Ryan Budget,” but seriously, folks: House Republicans did the smart thing yesterday, and don’t let worry-wart Allahpundit tell you any different. Not a single Democrat voted for it, and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel’s boast that this will help Democrats recapture the House is nonsense. Let the Democrats […]

Democrats Draw the Line, Will Shut Down Government Over Planned Parenthood

In her 2006 book, Godless, Ann Coulter called abortion “the holiest sacrament” in the religion of liberalism. Democrats would rather shut down the federal government than de-fund Planned Parenthood: Congressional budget negotiations broke up before dawn on Friday without an agreement, putting the government on a path to a shutdown when financing for federal agencies […]

Sarah Steelman vs. Claire McCaskill?

While surfing the Web, I saw an ad for this Republican candidate — former Missouri state treasurer Sarah Steelman — who has made an early start campaigning against Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill for 2012: You can contribute at Steelman’s Web site.

Chuck You, Schumer

Jay Homnick of The American Spectator contemplates the shamelessly sleazy senior senator from New York: By a weird quirk of fate, I was present as a sixteen-year-old boy at a local meeting of well-meaning Jews who were gulled into making him State Senator for the neighborhood where I grew up, in Brooklyn, New York. The […]

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