The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Oklahoma Police: Meth Mom Molested Her Kids While People Paid to Watch

Natalie Lynn Webb Natalie Lynn Webb, 30, of Elk City, Oklahoma, is being held on $2 million bond after her arrest last month on sex abuse charges: Webb’s 9-year-old son told investigators that his 8-year-old brother and two 3-year-old sisters were repeatedly raped by their mother as other men and women looked on, according to […]

Gay Student Charged With Felonies in Weird Sexual Extortion Scheme

In an unusually elaborate example of media bias, the only way you would realize the perpetrator of this crime was gay is if you carefully scrutinized the pronouns in the Columbus Dispatch story: An Ohio University student is set to go on trial in February on felony charges of blackmailing another student into having sex […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Probation Page

The World’s Most Famous Sex Offenderâ„¢ was released from the Indian River County Jail Dec. 20 and will remain part of Florida’s “supervised population” until Oct. 1, 2016. WPTV reported: VERO BEACH, Fla. — Kaitlyn Hunt, the Sebastian-area teenager who was arrested after police said she had a sexual relationship with an underage girl, was […]

‘Descent Into Madness’

Otto Muehl was a radical artist who in 1978, at age 53, founded a commune in Austria known as the Friedrichshof, which had as its goal “the destruction of bourgeois marriage and private property.” Instapundit linked to an article about a new documentary: Paul-Julien Robert grew up on a country estate with dozens of adults; […]

‘But … They Were in Love’

Dante Mobley, 30, accused of sex with 14-year-old. The accused 30-year-old perpetrator tried to deny it, but his 14-year-old victim offered a familiar defense in his behalf: In the Bunnell case, the parent of a 14-year-old girl in Bunnell called cops at 4 a.m. on Dec. 22, to report that the girl had snuck out […]

This Is Not News: Carl Herold and His ‘Domestic Partner’ Charles Dunnavant

Interesting which crimes get overlooked by the national media: Two Alabama men have been charged with imprisoning and filming their sexual abuse of a minor for use in child pornography made with the son of one of the accused. Domestic partners Charles Dunnavant and Carl Herold face a litany of charges ranging from sexual torture […]

‘We’re Still Kinda Stunned’

Y’know, I really do mean to get back to blogging about some actual politics today, but I keep getting distracted. Like, I was over at AOSHQ reading Ace’s very insightful commentary on the Senate budget vote — Gabriel Malor is such a squish, am I right? — and was prepared to blog about it when […]

‘Nobody Matters Less to Our Society Than Young Black Women. Nobody.’

The headline quote is from a very long Village Voice interview with former Chicago Sun-Times reporter Jim DeRogatis about the sexual accusations against pop singer R. Kelly. Since the release of the singer’s latest album, Black Panties, DeRogatis has quite evidently become angry at the way Kelly’s predatory conduct has been glossed over, or even […]

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