The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Drunk Sluts Rights Movement

Back in August, when I covered “SlutWalk DC,” I observed: Date rape is an apparently common campus crime that usually involves two drunk young people, one of whom has an erect penis, and the other of whom is unable to avert what the erect penis typically does. Of course, feminists would denounce such a statement […]

Sexual Savagery and the New Abnormal

Where did this sudden tsunami of sexual perversion come from? Months of dealing with the “Free Kate” freak show has opened my eyes to how pervasive the “Desire Is Destiny” concept has become: Whatever kinky weirdness you want is now defended as a “right,” and anyone who criticizes deviance is denounced for “hate” and “bigotry.” […]

Contraceptive Culture: Normalizing the Abnormal and, Also, Vice-Versa

Sex is about reproduction. This is the natural function of sex, biologically speaking, and it’s odd how the same liberal fanatics who enjoy endlessly lecturing us about Darwinism and global warming — “The science is settled!” — are so unscientific about sex. Instead, the sexual enthusiasms of liberals tend toward sterile non-procreative acts, while they […]

Atheist Sex Offenders Are Dangerous

Ohio sex offender James Maxie is a violent atheist. Yes, I know what you’re probably thinking, but this is not about that. Actually, it’s about an anti-Christian criminal in Ohio: A self-described militant atheist with a criminal past faces multiple charges after an attack on a pastor who, after his sermon, had asked the man’s […]

Pro-Pedophile Author: ‘How Dare You Call Me a Pro-Pedophile Author?!’

James Kincaid is a University of Southern California professor emeritus who is the author of Child-Loving: The Erotic Child and Victorian Culture (1992) and Erotic Innocence: The Culture of Child Molesting (1998). When it was announced he would speak  in Toronto at an academic conference with the creepy title “Bodies at Play: Sexuality, Childhood and […]

Pure Evil: Drug Addicted Parents Sell Their Daughters to Child Pornographers

Addicted to bath salts? Trailer trash start chasing a cheap high, and eventually their degradation leads to shameful perversity: A Tennessee couple made their first appearance in court Friday to face allegations that they sold their daughters — ages 5, 12, 15 and 17 — to create child pornography. Connie Sue McCall, 40, and her […]

High School Freak Show: Colorado Girls Claim Harassment by Teen Transsexual

Coming soon to a public school near you. “Who knows whither the ’emerging awareness’ shall henceforth emerge?” — Robert Stacy McCain, The American Spectator, June 26 America’s descent into decadent perversity advances, as high school girls in Florence, Colorado, say they were forced to share the school’s restroom and locker room with a teenage shemale: […]

More #FreeKate Freaks: Now Arguing for ‘Consensual’ Sex With 9-Year-Olds?

What is frightening is that these creeps have no sense of shame: Decadence encroaches. Utmost barbarism beckons. @Jeanette_Runyon — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 18, 2013 Two words: GOOD GOD! @Jeanette_Runyon @MrEvilMatt — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 18, 2013 Actually, the person pointing out that she menstruated at 9 seems to be […]

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