The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Apparently, Hamilton College Girls Don’t Know How to Have Orgasms, Either

Doug Hagin accused me of gratuitously invoking “Roll, Tide” yesterday when I pointed out that tuition at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., is $45,620 a year, compared to $9,450 a year for in-state students ($23,950 for out-of-state) at the University of Alabama. My point was, why would anyone spend all that money to attend a snooty […]

Texas Democrat Student Group Leader Exposed as Convicted Sex Offender

Convicted sex offender Billy Johnson A convicted sex offender is the leader of a Democrat student group at a Texas university, Katherine Timpf of Campus Reform reports. Billy Johnson, who is president of the Young Democrats chapter at the University of Texas-Pan American (UTPA) campus in Edinburg, Texas, was convicted in 2003 of “indecency” with […]

Miley Cyrus: Insult to Injury

Alessandra gets angry about Miley Cyrus trying to use complaints about a “double standard” to defend her decadent behavior: What few people have analyzed is how much liberals have normalized the worst of sexism in the name of liberation (sexual or for women). It’s exactly analogous to their claim that they are “liberating” homosexuals when […]

The Vagina as Commodity: What Does the Pubic Depilation Phenomenon Mean?

“This particular cosmetic trend — I’ve dubbed it the Deforestation of the Pubic Delta — is really a byproduct of the pornification of culture. In the same way, trends like breast augmentation, body piercing and tattoos for women have been mainstreamed by the pervasive porn aesthetic. “When you turn sex into a commodity, the marketing […]

Goldman Sachs Banker Charged With Raping 20-Year-Old Irish Student

Meet Jason Lee, 37, an Ivy League-educated managing director of the equity capital markets department at Goldman Sachs. One weekend in late August, Lee was celebrating his birthday at a bar in the Hamptons when he met a 20-year-old student from Ireland. He bought her and her friends drinks, and invited them to a $33,000-a-month house he […]

Nebraska Sex Offender Re-Offends (And His Brother Is a Sex Offender, Too)

Clintus Alford (left); Cletus Alford (right) Clintus J. Alford, 37, was sentenced to 40  to 60 years in prison Monday for raping two girls, ages 12 and 14. He had previously been convicted in 2004 of false imprisonment for a case involving an 11-year-old girl, and served two years in prison for that offense. The […]

I’m Against ‘Revenge Porn,’ But . . .

. . . proposals to create laws against it strike me as troubling: Revenge porn sites feature explicit photos posted by ex-boyfriends, ex-husbands and ex-lovers, often accompanied by disparaging descriptions and identifying details, like where the women live and work, as well as links to their Facebook pages. The sites, which are proliferating, are largely […]

Perhaps Everyone in America Wants to Read About @ScottMuska’s Erection

Scott Muska’s Twitter profile describes him as “Copywriter // Journalist // Lefty // Unselfish Lover,” and he elsewhere reveals that he is a 2010 graduate of Penn State University. Do you want to read about Scott Muska’s erection? Because Scott Muska wants you to know he had one: Dear Woman Who Was Sitting Next to […]

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