The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is Obstruction of Justice, Like Dildo Sex With 14-Year-Olds, ‘Healthy and Normal’?

Kaitlyn Hunt’s family says she’s a victim of homophobia. “They are teenagers in high school experimenting with their sexuality, all teens do it in one form or another. They are teens, it’s healthy and normal.” — Kelley Hunt Smith (Kaitlyn Hunt’s mother), May 17 “The facts as we understand them suggest that the state is […]

Dog and Man at Yale: Hugo Schwyzer Is Merely a Symptom, Not the Disease

Did you know some Yale University students have had sex with animals? Three percent of Yale students in a “sensitivity training” workshop reported they had engaged in bestiality, so it’s taken us about 60 years to go from God and Man at Yale to Dog and Man at Yale. This was one of the weird […]

Florida: The Rape State

Why does accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt think she has a “right” to have sex with 14-year-olds? Perhaps because she lives in Florida, where some officials seem to think enforcing the law is optional, and dangerous sex offenders are released to rape again: 594 sex offenders were convicted of new sex crimes after being reviewed […]

Is Your Child’s Public School Teacher Cruising Online for a ‘Sugar Daddy’?

Reading, writing and rent-a-dates:, which bills itself as “the #1 online dating website for sugar babies and generous men,” is now boasting that some 40,000 public school teachers of a certain moral caliber have joined the website in an attempt to . . . seek wealthy, older men for “mutually beneficial relationships.” . . […]

Prosecutors: Kaitlyn Hunt Violated Order, Sent Messages, ‘Lewd’ Photos to Victim UPDATE: Hunt Accused of Sending Masturbation Video to Teenage Victim UPDATE: Lesbian and Victim Had ‘Intimate Contact’ Until Two Weeks Ago

Accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt “violated a pretrial order to have no contact with the victim in her teen-sex case,” the Palm Beach Post reported Thursday, citing a court motion by prosecutors that may end the 19-year-old lesbian’s release on bond. According to the document cited in an article by Elliott Jones of the Post, […]

Tattooed Harlot Sydney Leathers: She’s Totally an Expert on ‘Self-Loathing’

It is rather amusing to recall that when Sydney Leathers was first identified as Anthony Weiner’s sexting partner, some conservatives hesitated to name her, presuming her to be the victim of a predator. Ah, but who was the predator and who was the prey? Her 15 minutes of fame infamy have long since elapsed — […]

‘They Were Lonely and Depressed; Their Symptoms Were Psychosomatic’

In 2006, an Australian physician related his experiences encountering a certain type of female patient: Attractive, successful, mid-20s, complaining of rather vague symptoms. The patient had previously been diagnosed with and treated for a variety of ailments, but was still suffering from anxiety, cramps, etc. A pattern became evident, and the doctor described the typical […]

Your Vagina Is Sudetenland, and Other Helpful Advice for Young Ladies

Pete Da Tech Guy calls attention to my comment yesterday about the totalitarian impulse of the boner: Young women who think they can negotiate with the erect penis are in a situation very much like Neville Chamberlain trying to appease Hitler. All wise young ladies understand this and, with thousands of young ladies about to […]

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