The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Is the New York Times Now Campaigning for Anthony Weiner?

First, the dishonest puff-piece feature, now a transparent “news” plug for Congressman Meat-Tweet. What’s going on here? I’ve got a few hunches about their motives, but no time to explain my theory just now. But there was time for Neutral Objective Journalism at ViralRead: The New York Times has attempted to assist Weiner’s political rehabilitation, publishing an […]

Teenage Girls on Trial in Canada for Running Prostitution Ring

You think kids are bad in America? In Ottawa, three teenage girls are accused of running a prostitution ring that victimized nine other girls, some as young as 13: The three Ottawa girls, two who were 15 and one who was 16 when they were arrested, have pleaded not guilty to a total of 74 […]

‘It’s Really Astonishing. It’s Just a Deliberate Lie From Start to Finish.’

So says Ace of Spades about the way the New York Times re-writes the history of the Anthony Weiner cybersex scandal. In a just world, Jonathan Van Meter of the New York Times — and every editor who signed off on this thoroughly dishonest article — would be fired, and effectively blackballed from the industry like Jason Blair […]

My Wife: Scientific Proof

Just in case I’ve never mentioned it before — but I’m pretty sure I have — Mrs. Other McCain is one smokin’ hot babe: Ah, back in the day, my friends — of course, I wasn’t too shabby myself back in the day. This isn’t just nostalgia, or a gimmick to make you hit the freaking tip […]

Homophobic Bigotry Update

Why is there so much anti-gay prejudice nowadays? For example, Dave Blount at Moonbattery says only “a sick, demented society” would “facilitate” adoption by same-sex couples. I can’t imagine why anyone would say that, can you? George Harasz and Douglas Wirth, a married couple from Glastonbury, Conn., were arrested in November 2011 following allegations by two of […]

Teen Sex News: Federal Judge Orders ‘Morning After’ Pills for Underage Girls

Poster for 1967 film, Teenage Mother It is illegal to have sex with minors, but because perverts can’t help themselves, the federal government will now be their accomplice in getting rid of the evidence: A federal judge ruled Friday that the government must make the most common morning-after pill available over the counter for all […]

‘Undocumented Workers’: Dating Underaged Girls Americans Won’t Date

Say hello to Jose Zarata, 25, described by a sheriff’s deputy in Maricopa County, Arizona, as “a non-U.S. citizen who has been living in the country without proper authorization.” Turns out there were other things Jose wanted to do “without proper authorization,” such as dating the 13-year-old daughter of Maria Saucedo. She said “no,” so Jose […]

Obama Hasn’t ‘Evolved’ That Far … Yet

Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services requested public comment on a proposal to provide taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery, but scrubbed the proposal off their Web site as soon as it was reported by news agencies. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air understands the Obama-logic: Congress has been arguing over how to limit the current Medicare/Medicaid […]

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