‘Community Relations,’ IYKWIMAITYD
New York legislator Naomi Rivera is the daughter of a corrupt Bronx Democrat machine politician. She also has a boyfriend named Tommy Torres whom she put on her payroll — and on her secret Facebook page, as Candice Giove of the New York Post reports: Dozens of photos on Daniela’s page show Rivera with her […]
Q: ‘Can We Accurately Determine Someone Else’s Sexual Orientation Just By Their Appearance?’
by Smitty Via somebody on Twitter, sorry: Some people can, to an eerie degree. A study from earlier this summer found that college students had “above-chance accuracy” when guessing whether people were straight or gay, even when they were shown faces without any contextual clues. Even when they only got to look for 50 milliseconds. […]
Dr. Jack Schaap’s Next Book: ‘How to Become a Former Megachurch Pastor’
Dr. Jack Schaap is the author of several books, including Marriage: The Divine Intimacy and Dating with a Purpose: Common Sense Dating Principles for Couples, Parents, and Youth Workers. But it looks like it may be time for Dr. Jack to write a new chapter: Jack Schaap, the former pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond […]
Old and Boring: ‘Safe Sex’
New and Hot: ‘Let’s Make Babies’
Young folks have discovered a kinky new sexual phenomenon: If a man places his penis inside a woman’s vagina, she can have a baby. This shockingly weird activity is being promoted by a Web site called 1Flesh.org, whose founders describe their revolutionary idea: We want awesome marriages and mind-blowing sex lives. We want women and men to […]
Florida: The Crazy State
The competition for Craziest State in the Union has always been fierce. It has been said that South Carolina is too small to be a republic, but too large to be a lunatic asylum. Yet in recent decades, California has been recognized as foremost in sheer madness, rivaled only by Louisiana. Now, however, California must yield the […]
Professor Pervo’s Subsidized Wanking Class and the Higher Education Bubble
The people pushing “comprehensive sexuality education” in your child’s school see nothing amiss in Tom Kubistant’s pedagogical methodology: A college instructor at Western Nevada College is accused of requiring students to masturbate and publicly reveal personal sex-fantasies in order to pass a “human sexuality” class, according to a federal complaint filed in U.S. District Court […]
Some Guy You Never Heard Of Wants to Be Some Woman You Never Heard Of
We must preface this with the observation that any pop music group with an exclamation point in their name is almost certainly gay: Against Me! singer Tom Gabel reveals plans to begin living as a woman in the new issue of Rolling Stone. Gabel, who has dealt privately with gender dysphoria for years, will soon […]
Which Is Worse: Gang-Rape or Racism?
British teens must be grateful their rapists weren’t victims of racism “Individuals opposed to Party rule are selected as targets of disapproval, usually to the point of demonization. Criticism usually extends to allegations of personal corruption, wickedness, or barbarism. Terms used to vilify Party opponents are formulaic, seeming to draw from a lexicon developed for […]
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